Are you a Christian?

by Rick

(Acts 11:25,26 NLT)  Then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to look for Saul.  When he found him, he brought him back to Antioch. Both of them stayed there with the church for a full year, teaching large crowds of people. (It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to learn more about the amazing life of the Apostle Paul.  Yesterday I told you the amazing story of how Barnabas arrived at Saul’s door when he least expected it.  Barnabas invited Saul to go back with him to Antioch, to get involved in ministry, and to partner with him to make a difference.  Saul accepted the offer.


Barnabas and Saul became a dynamic-duo for Christ.  They ministered together in Antioch for a full year and the impact was so great that believers were first called “Christians” as a result of their ministry.  This is an important note.  The term Christian was not coined in Jerusalem, where Peter was leading the church movement.  It was not coined while Jesus was on the earth, while Jesus was discipling His followers.  It was coined in the remote town of Antioch, while two somewhat outsiders (Barnabas and Saul) were preaching Christ and exhibiting the power of Christ to the lost.


So what does “Christ” mean and what does “Christian” mean?  First of all, Christ is not Jesus’ last name.  Jesus did not have a last name and Christ is more of a title than a name.  The word Christ means: the anointed one.  Let me explain.  In Biblical times it was customary to anoint (with oil) priests for the work of the ministry.  To anoint means to rub on, or smear on.  While Levitical priests were anointed with oil, Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit by the Father Himself.  So when people say “Jesus Christ” or “Jesus the Christ,” what they are saying is: Jesus the anointed one.  In other words, Jesus, the one anointed by the Father with power from on-high.  If you look at what the first century preachers preached, the Bible says they “preached Christ.”  They preached that Jesus was the Messiah, that He had power from on-high, and that the power that was on Jesus was available to change people and save them from their sin.


To attribute God’s power to Jesus is one thing, but to attribute it to mere men is another.  The word Christian simply means: like Christ, or anointed like Jesus.  So, when the term Christian was coined in Antioch it was because people saw power from on-high manifested through Barnabas and Saul, and they also saw that power transferred and manifested in the lives of others.  People who were once lost, destitute, bewildered, dismayed and discouraged, where changed into people who were anointed, like Jesus, with power from on-high; power to change people’s lives and save them from their sin.  So my question for you is: are you a Christian?  Are you anointed, like Jesus, with power from on-high; with power to change people’s lives and save them from their sin?


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  You are commissioned to preach Christ.  You don’t need a title or a clergy collar to tell the world that Jesus was the Messiah, that He had power from on-high, and that the power that was on Jesus is available to change people and save them from their sin.


2.  You are expected to be a Christian.  The word Christian means: like Christ.  Therefore, if you claim to be a Christian, you must seek to submit to the power of God, so that God’s character, attributes and nature can be developed and exhibited in you.


3.  You are required to reproduce after your own kind.  Not only are you expected to be a Christian, but the Father requires you to produce Christians.  But don’t worry, you don’t have to do it with your own power.  The Father uses you by grace.  So He does not need your ability, He simply needs your availability.  If you will submit to God, to be used of Him for His glory, then you will see the power of God manifested through you and lives will be changed forever!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for helping me to hear and respond to the gospel message of Christ.  I know Jesus was the Messiah, I know He was anointed with power from You, and I know that power was made available to change men from the inside out and to save them from their sin.  I know because I have experienced this power.  I have been saved and I have been changed.  Your power is still working through me and I am being changed day-by-day into the very image and likeness of Christ.  I am a Christian because I am like Christ.  Like Jesus, I am anointed with power from on-high.  Like Jesus, I am endued with the power to leave an indelible mark everywhere I go.  I preach Christ, I live Christ, I am in Christ, Christ is in me, and I am a Christian by grace.  Not only that, but since I have been made a Christian, by faith I declare that I reproduce after my own kind.  I submit myself to be used of You Father, and You use me to make and disciple other Christians.  Through my personal ministry the lost, destitute, bewildered, dismayed and discouraged are changed into people who are anointed, like Jesus, with power from on-high.  I have been changed and I know see others changed through Your power being released through me.  Not because I deserve it, but only because of Your Grace.  My life is not about me anymore.  My life is all about You!  Use me Father, for Your glory, today and every day.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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