What God has for You is for You

by Rick

(Acts 13:1-3 NLT)  Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria were Barnabas, Simeon (called “the black man”), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas), and Saul.  One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.”  So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to learn more about the amazing life of the Apostle Paul.  Yesterday I discussed the day when Saul and Barnabas, after having successfully ministered together in Antioch for an entire year, were selected by the Holy Spirit (in the middle of a fasting and prayer session) to go on a specific assignment.  Notice that there were other men of God present who could have received the assignment.  The church leaders were simply fasting and praying, open to whatever God wanted to do, and both the assignment and the selection of the people to complete it were God’s idea.  After God came up with both the assignment and the ministry team, the rest of the men laid their hands on Saul and Barnabas and the dynamic-duo went on what would be Paul’s first missionary journey.


Let’s think about this Paul’s perspective.  Paul was minding his own business, in his hometown in Turkey, a world away from the Christian hub of activity in Jerusalem, when the Lord moved upon the heart of Barnabas to travel all the way to Turkey to get him and bring him back to Antioch for ministry.  After a year of successful ministry, Saul was in a prayer session, during a time of fasting, in what was more-than-likely a routine occurrence, when all of a sudden the Holy Spirit separated Saul and Barnabas to on a missionary journey.  Saul’s life changed, once again, and the prompting of God.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Don’t force the issue.  When Paul was first converted he tried to force his way into the ministry scene.  However, Paul had to learn to wait on God’s timing, on God’s Grace, and on God’s invitation.  When you force the issue you get out ahead of God and it can be costly.  Abraham got out ahead of God, he had a child he was not supposed to have, and thousands of years later his descendants are still paying for his mistake (with the rift between Muslims and Jews).  Paul almost lost his life getting out ahead of God.  The point is simple: while you may be called to do something, you still have to wait on God to lead you concerning it.  If you try to force the issue you will bring nothing but trouble upon yourself.


2.  Don’t get upset when it happens for someone else.  I am sure Paul, while he was waiting in Tarsus for his time to come, had thoughts of the other Apostles ministering and being used of God mightily.  It’s human nature to compare yourself to others and to want to strive to be the best.  However, you must remember that you are not them and they are not you.  Celebrate what God is doing in the lives of others, because your time will come.


3.  Be open to whatever God wants to do.  Paul knew he was called, but he did not know what was going to happen next.  He was simply open to God and that is the best way to be.  When God moved and the Holy Spirit spoke, Paul and Barnabas were ready to go on a missionary journey, because they were willing to do whatever God said do.  That is the way you should live your life.  Make plans, pray over those plans, but also be willing to throw those plans away if God leads you in a different direction.  At the end of the day, if you are led of God, you can’t go wrong.


4.  The door will swing open by Grace.  When God’s time came for Paul to leave Tarsus, he did not have to make anything happen, God sent Barnabas to him.  When the time came for Paul to go on his first missionary journey, he did not have to make anything happen, God spoke through the Holy Spirit and made it clear to all that Paul and Barnabas were assigned to go on the trip.  And when the time comes for you to make the next major transition in your life you will know it, because God will swing the door open by Grace.


5.  What God has for You is for You.  God picked Paul on the road to Damascus when he seemed like the most unlikely candidate to be saved.  God picked Paul in the middle of a prayer session when he seemed like the most unlikely candidate for a missionary trip.  And God will pick you, by Grace, when it is time for you to do what He has called you to do.  When He does, it will seem like He passed over people who were more qualified, better prepared, with better education and more connections, but none of that matters when God has something for you.  When something is for you, God will pick you right in front of all the people who thought they were going to get it, just so they can see that you are God’s choice.  When God has something for you, no man can stop you from getting it and no man can take it away once you have it.  But remember, you did not get it because you are so good, you got it because God is so good!  That, my friend, is Grace!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your amazing and unyielding Grace towards me.  The more You bless me, the more I realize I don’t have to force the issue.  I don’t have to make doors open, because You can open doors that no man can close.  I don’t have to force doors closed, because You can close doors no man can open.  I don’t have to make my destiny happen, I simply have to submit to Your leading, humble myself under Your mighty hand, discern Your timing, and only move when You tell me to move.  This way I am not forcing anything, but I am simply submitting to Your Kingdom plans and purposes for me.  I am not the Lord of my own life, You are.  As my Lord, I am fully submitted to You in all ways.  I am open to whatever You want to do in my life.  I know You made plans for me before the foundations of the world.  You also know I have made some plans along the way.  I have plans for this year, next year, and the years to follow.  I pray over my plans and I am completely open to whatever You want me to do, to the point where I will trash my plans if You tell me they don’t line up with Yours.  My life is not my own.  I am here to do whatever You have called me to do.  I have gotten to the point where I just want to please You.  That is all that matters to me.  I have no other agenda, no other priority, and no other focus.  I don’t get distracted or discouraged when I see You bless others, because I know they have their own race, with their own Grace.  What You have for me is for me, and I know without a doubt that You will manifest Your best in my life, in Your timing, and I am open to flowing with You.  Father, thank You for calling me, blessing me and using me by Grace!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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