Roll with the Changes

by Rick

(Read Acts 14:1-7)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to learn more about the amazing life of the Apostle Paul.  Yesterday I told you about the situation Paul and Barnabas encountered in Pisidia.  Once a large crowd (just about the entire city) came out to hear what Paul and Barnabas were preaching, the Jewish leadership became jealous, they slandered Paul, they argued against everything he said, and they ultimately incited a mob against Paul and Barnabas to run the ministry team out of town.  Paul and Barnabas knew they were in the will of God, they were not moved by the Jewish backlash, they shook the dust from their feet as a sign of rejection and they moved on to the next town, Iconium.


I would love to tell you that the response much different in Iconium, but I can’t.  Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue, they preached Word with power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers.  Some of the Jewish leaders unfortunately spurned God’s message and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas.  But Paul and Barnabas stayed there a long time, preaching and seeing results.  What do you think they were preaching?  The Bible says they were “Preaching boldly about the Grace of the Lord.”  While the Gospel was Grace might seem common today, this was a completely radical message back then.  Paul and Barnabas were preaching to people who were making every effort to live under the Law of Moses.  And as we know, no human (outside of Jesus) has ever fulfilled the Law of Moses, therefore, the Law brings with it condemnation, guilt and shame.  The Law was designed to get people to the ‘end of themselves,’ so they could call out for a Savior and receive salvation by Grace.


Crowds flocked to and welcomed the gospel of Grace.  And the Bible says, “The Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders.”  Paul later wrote, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power” (1 Cor 2:4).  The demonstration of Supernatural power proved to unbelievers that Paul and Barnabas were no fluke, that they were truly being led of God, and that their message of Grace was true.


The opposition eventually formed a mob of Gentiles and Jews, along with their respective leaders, and the mob attacked Paul and Barnabas and attempted to stone them.  Paul and Barnabas fled to the region of Lycaonia—to the towns of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding area.  And there they preached the good news of God’s Grace.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Many reject Grace because it takes the spotlight off of them.  Paul and Barnabas faced serious opposition when they preached salvation by Grace, because Grace is a ‘slap in the face’ to human effort.  The Law of Moses put emphasis on man and unfortunately, many men have embraced the challenge of fulfilling the Law, to the point where they have convinced themselves that they are right and those who don’t live by the Law are wrong.  These people are so focused on what they think they are doing for God that they can’t embrace what God had already did for them through Jesus.  Those who embrace the Law think, “I am right and others are wrong.”  Those who embrace Grace think, “We are ALL wrong and Jesus came to make us right.”  Since this takes the emphasis off of man and our effort, many reject it because they would rather keep the spotlight on them.  Grace puts the spotlight on Jesus.

2.  Facing opposition does not always mean you are outside of the will of God.  Jesus faced opposition.  Peter faced opposition.  John faced opposition.  Paul and Barnabas faced opposition.  As a matter of fact, the Bible says, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim 3:12).  So don’t mistake God’s desire for you to be prosperous to mean that you will never face any challenges.  As a matter of fact, you will never enjoy any level of true success without overcoming challenges.  If you believe you are being led of God, and it seems like all hell is breaking loose, then you might just be in the center of God’s will!


3.  Seasons change, roll with the changes.  Paul and Barnabas were doing great as they ministered in Antioch.  But after a year the Holy Spirit led them to Cyprus.  The team was doing great in Pisidia, but then a mob rose up against them and they left for Iconium.  The team was in Iconium for quite some time, people were being saved, and signs, wonders and miracles were confirming the Word preached.  But then, a mob wanted to stone them, and they left for Lystra and Derbe.  What’s my point?  My point is that Paul and Barnabas did not cry out to God to stay where they were.  They did not have a pity-party when the season changed and their success subsided in an area.  They simply moved on, embraced the change, and sought to maximize the next season of their lives.  You must be determined to do the same.  You can waste today thinking about yesterday, and you can abort the next season of your life by attempting to hold on to the last.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your amazing Grace.  I willingly embrace Grace and I don’t have a problem with taking the spotlight of my life off of me and placing it on Jesus.  I don’t live by the mentality of the Law which says, “I am right and those who do not live by the Law are wrong.”  I live by the mentality of Grace, which says, “We are all wrong and we all need a Savior.  God provided us a Savior and His name is Jesus!”  Jesus is my Savior and Lord.  It is IN HIM that I live, and move, and have my being.  I live the remainder of my days in submission to His will.  As I seek to do what You lead me to do, I don’t foolishly fantasize about a life without opposition.  I soberly understand opposition will come, but I also know I have the Grace to win every battle, overcome every challenge, and pass every test.  Come what may, I am IN YOU, You are IN ME, and I will come out on top every time!  It may not always be easy, but I have the Grace for it and when I come out on top, I shall give You the glory, because I am not a self-made man, I am a God-made man!  I am on the road to fulfilling my purpose and as I travel down this road I know the seasons will change and I shall embrace every change.  I won’t waste today focused on yesterday and I won’t miss this season attempting to hold on to the last.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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