Humble Yourself and Accept Grace

by Rick

(Read Galatians 6:12,13)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to look at The Law given under Moses vs. the Grace provided by Jesus.  In our last message I reminded you of the fact that you have the Grace to be YOU and that you should not waste your time focused on attempting to be anyone else.


We are almost done walking through Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, but there are a few things I still want to point out.  As the Apostle Paul begins to close his letter he circles back to the issue of circumcision and the Law of Moses.  Paul says, “Those who are trying to force you to be circumcised want to look good to others.  They don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save.  And even those who advocate circumcision don’t keep the whole law themselves.  They only want you to be circumcised so they can boast about it and claim you as their disciples.”  We will take a closer look at Paul’s words in our closing points.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Paul accused those who were pushing circumcision and the Law of Moses of being hypocritical (because they could not keep the Law themselves), manipulative (wanting to coerce the new converts), vain (focused more on how they looked than on the welfare of the new converts), and cowardly (afraid of preaching the truth, that Jesus alone saves).


2.  Many who preach salvation by strict adherence to the Law of Moses are doing it to make themselves look good.  By saying that you are wrong for not keeping the Law, they are also saying that they are right for supposedly keeping it.  But if the truth be told, they are no better than anyone else.


3.  Law-minded Christians who live with a ‘we are right and you are wrong’ mentality don’t understand Grace or why Jesus died on the cross.  Jesus did not die because some are right and others are wrong.  Jesus died because WE ARE ALL WRONG and we ALL need salvation by Grace.


4.  If those who advocate strict adherence to the Law of Moses were honest, they would have to tell you that they can’t keep the Law themselves.  They are Law-breakers, just like everyone else.  The Law of Moses was not designed to make you right, it was designed to show you that you are wrong, so can call out to Jesus for salvation.


5.  Pride keeps people Law-minded.  When you focus on the Law and you fool yourself into thinking that you are actually keeping it perfectly, you can feel good about yourself and think you are better than others.


6.  Humility accepts Grace.  It takes humility to acknowledge the fact that you are not good enough and that you could never earn salvation.  When you embrace Grace you accept salvation by Christ and Christ alone.


7.  When you are Law-minded you keep the spotlight on you and your works; on what you attempt to do for God.  When you are Grace-minded you keep the spotlight on God and His works; on what He did for you before the foundations of the world!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me more and more about Your amazing, immeasurable and undeserved Grace.  Personal pride sometimes wants me to put the spotlight on me, on my works, and on what I think I am doing right.  But the truth is that my works could never earn salvation.  I am not good enough today, nor will I ever be good enough to earn eternal life.  Your Law is perfect, but I am not.  Your Law has shown me how much I need a Savior.  I have called out to my Savior, Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ.  I am now Born-Again and saved in Him!  I am not saved because I am good.  I am saved because You are good.  I am not ashamed or afraid of admitting that my salvation has only come through Jesus the Christ!  It is in Jesus that I live, and move and have my being.  Without You I am nothing.  I don’t fool myself into thinking that I have earned anything.  I don’t live with a mentality that thinks I am right and others are wrong.  NO!  I live with a mentality that acknowledges that we are ALL WRONG outside of Jesus.  I am no better than anyone else.  I am who I am by Your Grace and Your Grace towards me shall not be in vain.  I accept Your forgiveness, I forgive myself, I resist pride, and I seek to fulfill Your Kingdom plans and purposes for my life.  None of me, all of You!  Use me today Father for Your glory!  I believe that You will.  But not because I am so good… only because You are so good!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Orlando Pendleton November 6, 2013 - 1:57 pm

God Bless Pastor Pins, thank you for another awesome teaching on grace. Every lesson gives me more understanding of God purpose for our lives. Have a bless day my brother love you!!


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