Grace and Purpose

by Rick

This morning I am going to do something different.  I preached a message at my church in Virginia on Tuesday night entitled “Purpose and Grace.”  Last night the Lord had me preach the same message at our sister location in Maryland.  This morning I feel led to share a few of my notes with you from the message.  Here are just a few points.  I pray they bless you.


You have an Assignment in Life:

– This is the PURPOSE for why you were born.

– You are not here to just suck-in and breathe-out air, have a little fun, and then die.

– Your Assignment is tailor-made just for you.


Along with the Assignment, the Father has given you:

– The Grace to PERFORM it.

– The Grace to OVERCOME every obstacle you encounter along the way.


* Only when you walk in your divine purpose will God validate you as authentic and release His Grace for the Supernatural.


* The Plan is given by Grace, it was birthed before the foundations of the world by God’s love, and once it is revealed to you, you then pursue it by faith!


* Until it is revealed to you, that it’s already yours, you are not even authorized to operate in faith for it!


* To the level that you are able to receive revelation of God’s grace towards you, is the level that you will be authorized to operate in Faith towards Him!


* Purpose cannot be developed (you cannot come up with it).  Purpose must be discovered, because God came up with it before the world began!


Golden nuggets:

1.  Your purpose is fixed and it was established before the foundations of the world.


2.  You are born without carnal knowledge of your purpose, but you are born predisposed to your purpose.


3.  God allocated you the Grace for your purpose before the world began.


4.  Once you are Born-Again, and God’s Spirit is IN you, you are then in position to receive revelation concerning your purpose.


5.  When you make an alignment with your divine assignment, you position yourself to receive an abundance of Grace!


6.  Many believers live in frustration, asking God to bless something that is not theirs to have.


7.  Faith is NOT you telling God what to do.  Faith is NOT you trying to get God to put a “yes” on your plans.


8.  Faith is you submitting to God’s will.  Faith is you putting a “yes” on God’s plans.


9.  Revelation of God’s plans and purposes positions you to operate in faith.  And by faith you access the Grace.


10.  Grace takes the focus off of you.


11.  Once the focus is off of you, and your limits, you will have free access to the SuperNatural.


12.  God is a God of NO LIMITS.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for making plans for me before the foundations of the world.  You saved me and You called me with a Holy calling.  Not according to my own works, but according to Your own purpose and Grace, which you gave me in Christ Jesus, before the world began.  You have given me a Purpose, and along with the Purpose, You have given me Grace for my purpose.  When I discover what You have called me to do, I also understand that You have already equipped me to do it, by Your Grace, before the foundations of the world.  I am not a mistake.  I am here for a reason.  That reason is my purpose.  And I am determined to FIND, FOLLOW and FINISH Your purpose for my life before I die.  You love me.  You bless me by Your Grace.  And You continually do things for me, not because I am so good, but because You are.  I am able to live by faith, pursuing my purpose, with fearless confidence, because my faith is rooted and grounded in the fact that You love me.  Even when my love is not perfect towards You and when it is not perfect towards others, Your Love is ALWAYS perfect towards me.  You love me in spite of my faults, failures and flaws.  You love me because You are so good and You choose to use me by Your Grace.  Thank You Father for being so good to me.  I submit to Your Kingdom plans and purposes for my life and people will be able to see You through me and I will never be the same!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Orlando Pendleton November 7, 2013 - 1:27 pm

God Bless Pastor Pina thank you the lesson on purpose and grace, which make you ask the question am I fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. When we deny self we open ourselves up for the pouring out of God’s grace for our lives which is the supernatural. Then we are able to truly say yes to God’s will in mean it from our hear Col 3:23. Awesome teaching thanks again know that you and your family are positioned under God’s open heaven with limited blessings!!!


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