Renewing Your Mind (Part 6)

by Rick

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(Read Mat 14:22-32)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  For the last few messages we have been looking at the importance of renewing your mind in order to accept and experience the grace of God, by looking at the story of Peter walking on water.  Let’s look at this story one last time.


Jesus came to the disciples around 3am, in the middle of a storm, walking on water, and they thought He was a ghost.  Jesus told them not to be afraid.  Peter recognized Jesus’ voice and said, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”  Jesus simply replied, “Come.”  With that simple Word from Jesus, Peter climbed over the side of the boat, he stepped down into the water, and he actually performed the supernatural.  Peter walked on water towards Jesus.  We don’t know how many steps he was able to take, but it did not take long for Peter to start to factor in the natural.  The Bible says that when Peter saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.  “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.  Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him.  Now notice what Jesus said next.  This is key.  Jesus said, “You have so little faith, why did you doubt me?”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Jesus taught His disciples by Word and example.  Hearing the Word is important and we all need to hear it in order to renew our minds.  But Jesus did not preach with words only.  Like Paul said, the preaching was followed by a demonstration of God’s power.  Jesus taught the Word and He then demonstrated what He taught.  The people who heard and saw Jesus were impacted greatly, but most of them only heard Jesus once, or just a few times.  Jesus spent over three years with His disciples teaching the Word and manifesting God’s power.  This is why He was so upset when they failed to grasp what God wanted to do through them.  How long have you been walking with God?  How much have you heard?  How much have you seen?  Has your mind been renewed to attempt the supernatural?  At some point your learning must turn into living.


2.  Jesus allowed His disciples to experience the supernatural.  Jesus involved His disciples in many of the miracles, because He wanted them to feel comfortable operating in the supernatural.  God wants the same for you.  At some point your classroom instruction will involve lab activity.  Are you ready to allow God to use you to operate beyond human ability?  Remember, it is not by your power, but by His grace.


3.  Jesus expected the disciples to renew their minds by what they heard, saw and experienced.  Jesus walked on water, He was pleased when Peter wanted to join Him walking on water, and He was displeased when Peter only took a few steps.  Jesus afforded His disciples every opportunity to learn from Him in order to DO what He was doing.  Jesus was not happy with them spectating, He wanted them participating, and He wants the same from you.


4.  Renewing your mind will help you live a life pleasing in God’s sight.  Jesus expressed His frustration with His disciples many times when they failed to operate in the supernatural.  Many times Jesus said, “You of little faith” to His disciples.  Now, you did not walk with Jesus back then, but You are walking with Him now.  Jesus will look down from heaven and say to you, “You of little faith,” if you fail to renew your mind in order to accept and experience God’s grace for the supernatural.


Closing Confession:  Father, the more I study Your grace, the more I realize the supernatural power You freely make available to me.  You have been good to me and You have blessed me to learn from great teachers.  You have also given me Your precious Holy Spirit and He has taught me directly.  I have learned a great deal and I now realize that my learning must turn into living.  You don’t want me to learn, just for the sake of learning.  You want me to learn, and renew my mind, so that I can DO what I am learning.  By faith I declare that I will.  You set up divine appointments for me, where I will be in situations where You want to use me for Your glory, and by faith I will access Your grace for the supernatural.  I surrender myself to be used of You.  I will be Your legs to walk.  I will be Your mouth to talk.  I will be Your hands to touch.  Jesus was God incarnate.  I will be the continuation of His incarnation.  As Jesus is in heaven, so am I in this world.  Not by my power, but by Your grace.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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