Accessing Divine Power through True Surrender

by Rick

(Read John 5:16-20)


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This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to teach on “Minimizing Your Humanity and Maximizing Your Divinity.”  I exposed you to this passage yesterday.  Today I want to focus on Jesus’ words when He said:


“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself.  He does only what he sees the Father doing.  Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing.  In fact, the Father will show him how to do even greater works than healing this man.  Then you will truly be astonished.”


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s take a closer look at what Jesus said and seek to glean from it.


1.  A yielded heart opens the door to supernatural power.  Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself.”  Remember, this was God in the flesh saying this.  This was a grown man who at the age of 12 baffled scholars who had been studying God’s Word all their lives.  Jesus, in His humanity, was like no other.  But even with all His natural abilities, He refused to operate in His humanity without hearing from and submitting to divinity.  Jesus had a yielded heart and the Father was able to flow through Him freely.  Guess what?  You can do the same.  You don’t have to be perfect.  You don’t have to do everything right.  You don’t even have to know everything.  All the Father requires of you is what He required of His Son Jesus – a yielded heart.  Surrender yourself to God and He can use you by His grace, for His glory!


2.  Revelation is authorization for participation.  Jesus said, “He does only what he sees the Father doing.  Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing.”  Jesus sought guidance (insight, revelation and understanding) from the Father.  The Father then revealed to Jesus what He wanted to do, for that day, or in that season, and Jesus was then able to participate in it.  Instead of doing something and then asking God to bless it, God wants you to ask Him reveal to you what He is already doing and what He is already blessing.  Once He reveals it to you, you are then authorized to be part of it and the supernatural will be able to flow through you.  Once again, not because you deserve it, but only because of God’s grace.


3.  The world is looking for the supernatural.  Jesus said, “In fact, the Father will show him how to do even greater works than healing this man.  Then you will truly be astonished.”  Jesus performed many miracles and did things in ways that were unexplainable (humanly speaking), because He wanted to reach unspiritual people.  Remember, the people God wants to reach through us are not Born-Again.  The Holy Spirit does not live in them.  Therefore, they want to SEE something with their own eyes.  God requires us to believe it before we see it.  But God knows that unbelievers won’t do that, and since He loves them enough to want to reach them where they are, He will manifest His glory in front of them, so they can SEE it and then believe it.  So here’s the point for you: God wants to reach the world through you and He is willing to perform supernatural acts — infallible proofs (Acts 1:3) — through you to do it.  And God does not require you to be perfect, or to memorize the Bible from cover to cover.  All He is looking for is a yielded vessel that will allow himself/herself to be used by grace.  Is that you?  Can God count on you to allow Him to use you for His glory?  If you say “Yes,” I say, “Get ready!”


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for taking the time to teach me about Your amazing grace and Your supernatural power.  For years I thought Jesus was used of You, in the ways that He was, because He was God.  But Your Word is teaching me that He operated in the earth like a man, who was totally yielded to and reliant upon You.  Jesus did this so that I could have the example I am supposed to emulate.  By faith I declare that I will.  I see how Jesus operated and I seek to do the same.  Not because I am perfect like Jesus was.  Because You and I know I am far from perfect.  But because of Your grace.  You love me with an everlasting love.  You also love the lost.  You love them just the way they are, but You also love them too much to leave them that way.  You want to reach them and they want to SEE something before they believe.  So Father, here I am.  I yield myself to You, to be used of You for Your glory, by Your grace.  There are things You want to do today, this week, and in this season, in my area and within my sphere of influence.  I open my heart to hear from You.  As You reveal to me what You want to do, and what You are doing, I will be authorized to get involved.  Not by my power, but by Your grace.  And as I get involved, You will use me, people will see it, lives will be changed, your church will be edified, You will be glorified, and satan will be horrified.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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