The Work God Requires (Heart vs. Hands)

by Rick

(Read John 6:22-29)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to teach on “Minimizing Your Humanity and Maximizing Your Divinity.”  Last week we looked at a passage in John 5.  Today we will look at the next chapter.  In John 6 Jesus fed 5,000+ people with two fish and five loaves of bread and a few hours later He walked on water.  The next day, while having a conversation about being the “Bread of Life,” Jesus’ followers said to Him, “We want to perform God’s works, too.  What should we do?”  This is an understandable question and it is one that most of us have had.  When I first came to God I saw people being used of Him mightily and I would sometimes muster up the courage to walk up to them and say, “I see how you are being used of God.  I want to be used like that.  What do I need to do?”  The more you walk with God, the more you should develop a hunger and thirst for the supernatural.  Honestly, this is where I am in my walk with God.  I am dissatisfied with the routine.  I have developed a distaste for the mundane.  My walk with God cannot just be about singing songs or dressing up nice to to go church.  I want to see the impossible happen by God’s power.  I expect miracles, signs and wonders to follow my preaching.  I want to see lives changed by God’s power.  And thankfully, I can say that it has been happening, by the grace of God.


So what was Jesus’ answer to their question?  What did Jesus say that had to do in order to perform the works He was performing?  Did Jesus say they had to be perfect like He was perfect?  Did Jesus say they had to be sinless like He was sinless?  Did Jesus say they had to work hard to earn God’s Blessing?  No.  Jesus did not say any of those things.  Jesus said, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”  This is the type of work the Father requires of us: to believe.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Your job is to believe that God will do His.  Most of us think we need to work with our hands to earn God’s approval, but the kind of work the Father requires of us is not performed with our hands, it is performed with our heart.  Our work is to believe.  Belief opens the door of possibility and faith will lead you to walk through it.


2.  You must believe that God CAN use you.  Most people do not have a problem believing that God can do anything.  Their problem comes in believing that God will use them.  As you receive and embrace the message of God’s undeserved grace you will start believing that God can use you – failures, flaws and all.


3.  You must believe that God WILL use you.  Once you believe that God CAN use you, and once you settle the grace issue in your heart and you know that God wants to bless you because He is good and not because you are, you are then in position to expect God to use you by His grace.  Once you believe that He will… He will, so get ready!


4.  You must believe that God has qualified you for your life’s assignment by grace.  God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called by His undeserved grace.  Stop allowing satan to beat you up with thoughts unworthiness.  You will never be good enough to be used of God on your own merit.  But Jesus made you worthy with His blood.  Accept God’s grace.  Believe you are qualified for your life’s assignment, and pursue your purpose with all your might, knowing that God’s supernatural power will flow through you to do what He has called you to do.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for taking the time to teach me about Your amazing grace and supernatural power.  My work now is to believe.  This work is not performed with my hands, it is performed with my heart.  By faith I declare that I am a good worker in Your Kingdom.  I expand my capacity to believe You.  I cast down every artificial limit I have ever placed on my limitless God.  There is nothing You cannot do.  I know You can do all things, and I have never had a problem believing that.  But there was time when I did not believe You would use ME.  Those days are over.  I now believe You CAN and WILL use me by Your undeserved grace.  By myself I am not worthy, but Jesus made me worthy.  I am cleansed, forgiven, called and empowered by Your grace.  You called me before the foundations of the world, by Your purpose and grace, and I accept it.  I am ready to be used of You, today and every day, to perform supernatural acts by Your power and natural acts in divine excellence.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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