Failure is NOT Final!

by Rick

* You can now watch a video of this message at:

(Read John 18:15-17)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our new mini-series, “The Road to the Resurrection.”  Let’s pick up the story where we left off a couple of days ago.


The Roman Soldiers took Jesus away to see the High Priests.  Peter and another disciple followed behind.  Peter stood outside the High Priest’s home while the other disciple went in.  When the other disciple came back out, he asked a girl at the gate to let Peter in.  However, when Peter walked past her she looked at him and asked, “Aren’t you one of this man’s disciples?”  Peter answered, “No, I’m not.”  Now this may not seem like a big deal, but you need to understand what happened earlier that evening.  Jesus was talking to His disciples and telling them what was going to happen.  He also told them that they would all scatter and leave Him alone.  When Jesus said this, Peter spoke up, “Even if all the others reject you, I never will!”  That sounds good, but Jesus replied, “This very night before a rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times, saying that you don’t know me.”


Remember, Peter was the only disciple to walk on water with Jesus, and the only one with enough gall to even get out of the boat.  Peter was the only disciple to identify Jesus as the Christ.  Peter was the only disciple to put up a fight when the Soldiers came to get Jesus, cutting the ear off of Malchus.  Peter was a man of faith and action.  But in the text we see Peter, the man who was not afraid of Roman Soldiers, denying Christ before a little girl.  We will stop here for today.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Sometimes the people closest to you will disappoint you, but you have to still love them.  Peter was the most outspoken, outgoing, outfront, and overachieving disciple, but he still denied Christ to a little girl.  Listen, people are not perfect.  You know you are not perfect, so don’t expect others to be perfect.  Love people in spite of their flaws, and people will love you in spite of yours.  After His resurrection Jesus went out of His way to seek Peter out, to restore him, and to ensure Peter kept moving forward.  The result?  Peter started the New Testament church, he preached the first message, and 3,000 people were saved.  Remember that story when someone you love let’s you down.


2.  Failure is not final.

 a.  There comes a point when we must all deal with failure.  The good news is that if you are still breathing, God is not through with you.

 b.  There are victories waiting for you on the other side of the failure.  Peter recovered, I have recovered, and you will recover!  Keep going.  Never quit.  Live your life with a forward-ever, backward-never mentality!  Successful people in life are not the ones who never fail, but rather the ones who kept going!

 c.  God is a God of progression and not regression.  Never allow yourself to get stuck.  Jesus had to progress past the betrayal of Judas and the denial of Peter, Peter had to progress past the sting of his failure, and you will have to progress past whatever you are facing today in order to experience your tomorrow.

 d.  When you fall, get back up.  Solomon said it this way, “Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up.  But when trouble strikes the wicked, that’s the end of them” (Prov 24:16).  You are not like the wicked.  Your trouble will not be the end of you.


Are you struggling with Failure this morning?  Have you messed up lately?  We all do, but those who want to be used mightily of God, get back up again, they allow God to dust them off and get back in the fight.  Is it because they think they are good enough?  No, it is because they understand and accept God’s undeserved GRACE!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for taking the time to teach me about Your amazing, undeserved, unearned and unmerited GRACE!  The more I study Your grace, the more I appreciate You and Your everlasting love towards me.  Jesus was betrayed and denied by the people closest to Him.  And if this happened to Jesus, I know it can happen to anyone.  Humans are not perfect.  We are all flawed.  I know people will let me down, but I will love those You have given me, in spite of their failures and flaws.  I will love them just the way they are, and I know You will work on them and in them to mature them into the persons You have called them to be.  I also know I am not perfect, and You are still working on me.  I have let others down and I probably still will.  I have made mistakes and I may still make more.  But there are many victories waiting for me on the other side of my failures.  There are many promises waiting for me on the other side of life’s problems.  So I declare by faith that I will keep going.  I will never give up, cave in or quit.  I press forward with the confidence that You will continue to use me for Your glory.  Not because I deserve it, but only because of Your undeserved grace.  Failure is not final for me!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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