Attacked For Being Yourself

by Rick

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(Read John 19:1-7)


We are just over a week away from Resurrection Sunday.  This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series, “The Road to the Resurrection.”  In our last message we saw how Pilate offered the Jews an ‘out’ by giving the Jews the option of releasing one of the prisoners.  But instead of choosing Jesus, the Jews opted to release Barabbas.


Pilate did not find Jesus guilty of anything, but he went along with the Jewish leaders and he ordered Jesus to be beaten.  If that were not bad enough, a group of Roman Soldiers took the opportunity to ridicule the claim that Jesus was the King of the Jews.  The Soldiers twisted a crown out of thorn branches and put it on Jesus’ head.  They put a purple robe on Him so He could look like a King and they then yelled at Jesus, saying, “Hey, you king of the Jews” as they took turns slapping my Jesus across the face.


While this was going on Pilate went out to address the crows.  The Roman governor said, “I will have Jesus brought out to you again.  Then you can see for yourselves that I have not found him guilty.”  Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe.  Pilate said, “Here is the man!”  When the chief priests and the temple police saw him, they yelled, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”  But Pilate wanted nothing to do with it.  He said, “You take him and nail him to a cross!  I don’t find him guilty of anything.”   However, the Jewish leaders were persistent.  They replied, “By our law he ought to die because he called himself the Son of God.”


So what does this mean to you today?  Two things.


1.  Jesus was attacked for being Himself.  You have probably heard/read this story countless times, but you can never hear it enough.  You should be reminded of the persecution, ridicule and pain Jesus endured for you.  Jesus was given 39 lashes with a cat-o-nine-tails.  Roman Soldiers pushed a crown of thorns into His head to the point where the blood was dripping down his face.  Jesus was clothed with a purple robe and mocked as the “King of the Jews.”  Soldiers took turns yelling at Jesus and slapping Him across the face.  And then, if all of this were not bad enough, they nailed our Jesus to the cross – the most brutal form of execution at the time.  And what was the reason for all of this?  What did Jesus do wrong?  All He did was claim to be the Son of God.  Jesus’ only crime was that He disclosed His true identity.  Jesus was persecuted for being Himself.


2.  You will be attacked for being yourself.  The servant is not greater than the Master.  Just like our Master was persecuted for being Himself, you will, from time to time, experience the same.  Some people will not like you for being open, honest or a person of integrity.  We operate in a world where deceit, dishonesty, trickery and fraud are a way of life.  As Christians we will naturally ‘stick out’ because of who we are.  The message to you this morning is not to allow the world to change you.  Jesus never wavered.  He knew who He was and He maintained His integrity, even when the pressure was on.  You must do the same.  If you don’t drink, then don’t drink, even if your boss offers you one.  If you don’t smoke, then don’t smoke, even when all your coworkers are smoking around you.  If you don’t cuss, then don’t cuss, even if it seems like the norm.  If you don’t cheat on your spouse, then don’t cheat, even if that is what everyone else is doing.  And I could go on.  You WILL stick out, but that’s okay.  You are supposed to be light in the midst of darkness, love in the midst of selfishness, and virtue in the midst of debauchery.  Be whom God has formed and called you to be, and if you get attacked for it, so be it.  Along with your calling, God has given you the grace to maintain your integrity against any attack.  So be yourself, stand up for what you believe in, even if it means being attacked.  Our sufferings down here are not worthy to be compared with the glory we will receive up there!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching about the amazing life of Your Son Jesus.  Jesus endured 39 lashes with a cat-o-nine-tails.  Every strike was like 9 strikes.  The ends of the lashes had pieces of stone and metal woven into them, so that the pieces would lodge themselves into Jesus’ back with every whip.  And then the Soldier pulled the whip back, pieces of Jesus’ flesh ripped off every time.  By the end of the 39 lashes Jesus’ back was completely ripped open.  They then drove a crown of thorns into His head, to the point where blood was streaming down His face.  Jesus could have killed them all, but He didn’t it, because He was thinking of me.  Jesus endured the pain of the cross for the joy that was set before Him.  And Jesus’ only crime was that He claimed to be the Son of God.  Jesus was attacked and beaten, just for being Himself.  Like Jesus, I know I will be attacked for being the person You have called me to be.  People may not like my position on issues.  People may not like the fact that I believe a marriage is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman, and no government can change the definition of marriage.  People may not like the fact that I believe Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven, because that is what Your Word teaches.  People may not like the fact that I refuse to lie, cheat and steal to make it ahead in life.  People may not like my beliefs, and they may not like me, by I refuse to change who I am for anyone.  I am whom You say I am, I can do what You say I can do, and I will accomplish all You have destined me to accomplish before I die.  If people come up against me, I guess I will have a bigger crown when I get to heaven, because I refuse to change and I refuse to quit!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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