From Religion to Relationship

by Rick

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This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our new mini-series, “The Purpose of the Cross.”  Yesterday we looked at how Jesus freed us from the bondage of the Law and from the power of fear.  This morning we will continue to flow in this vein.


If anyone knew the Law of Moses, it was Paul.  Paul was raised as a Pharisee of the Pharisees.  Paul studied the Law under Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of the Law of his day.  Paul was a scholar of the Law, so it is amazing to see how much he embraced our deliverance from the Law through Jesus’ finished work on Calvary’s cross.  Let’s read some of what Paul said concerning living under the Law vs. living led of the Holy Spirit.


(Galatians 4:1-7 ERV)  This is what I am saying: When young children inherit all that their father owned, they are still no different from his slaves. It doesn’t matter that they own everything.  While they are children, they must obey those who are chosen to care for them. But when they reach the age the father set, they are free.  It is the same for us. We were once like children, slaves to the useless rules of this world.  But when the right time came, God sent his Son, who was born from a woman and lived under the law.  God did this so that he could buy the freedom of those who were under the law. God’s purpose was to make us his children.  Since you are now God’s children, he has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts. The Spirit cries out, “Abba, Father.”  Now you are not slaves like before. You are God’s children, and you will receive everything he promised his children.


(Galatians 5:16 ERV)  So I tell you, live the way the Spirit leads you. Then you will not do the evil things your sinful self wants.


(Romans 8:14 ERV)  The true children of God are those who let God’s Spirit lead them.


So what does this mean to you today?  Two things.


1.  Jesus took us from religion to relationship.  Every religion has rules and regulations.  However what Jesus gives us access to (commonly known as Christianity), is actually more about a relationship than it is about religion.  You can make the argument that the Israelites had “religion” under the Law of Moses, where they followed a hard set of rules and regulations.  To the individual, their God seemed distant and somewhat unreachable.  What Jesus left for us is far from that.  We can now have a warm, intimate and personal relationship with the Father, because of the access provided by the Son, and the direct connection we have to Him through the Holy Spirit.


2.  Jesus took us from servants to sons.  Under the Law the followers of Jehovah saw Him as God and they saw themselves as servants.  However, the Blood of Jesus takes us from servants to sons.  You are not a slave, you are not a servant, you are a child of the Most High God.  And He is not distant God, who cannot be reached, and who does not hear your cry.  NO!  He is a loving and caring heavenly Father, who loves you with an everlasting love, and who wants you to come to Him as your Daddy :-).  Paul said, “Now you are not slaves like before. You are God’s children, and you will receive everything he promised his children” (Galatians 4:7).


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me the Purpose of the Cross.  What Jesus did for me is amazing.  Not only did Jesus die in my place, taking on my debt, and paying for my sin; but Jesus also redeemed me from the curse and the callous nature of the Law.  Because of Jesus, I don’t have to live my life by a cold set of external rules, I don’t have to see You as a distant and unreachable God, and I don’t have to see myself as a slave or a servant.  No!  The Blood of Jesus unifies me with You.  I am not a slave.  I am not a servant.  I am a son.  I am a child of the Most High God.  While You are God and You sit on the circle of the earth, when I come to You I don’t address You as God.  I address You as my Father.  When I am in worship, I worship You as God and I fall flat on my face.  But when I am in prayer, I come to You as my Father, my Daddy, and I feel the warmth of Your love.  I can come directly to You, as a son, because of the access given to me through Jesus my Lord.  And I also have a direct connection to You, through the Holy Spirit, who lives in me.  I have graduated from religion to relationship and I now live every day with fearless confidence, because I know You love me, You made plans for me before the foundations of the world by Your grace, and You have also given me the grace to fulfill those plans.  I declare that I will.  I will complete my divine assignment before I die and I will do it by Your undeserved grace.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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