Responding to the Promises of God

by Rick

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(2 Peter 1:5 NLTa)  In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises.

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our new mini-series entitled, “Growing in Grace.”  Last week we looked at the first four verses of Peter’s second letter and we learned about growing in grace by growing in the knowledge of God.  We also learned that God has given us great and precious promises that enable us to share in His divine nature and escape the corruption of this world.  The Apostle Peter goes on to say, “In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises.”  

So what does this mean to you today?  In order to tell you I am going to weave in a few of the thoughts the Lord had me to preach this weekend.  As I write this message I am in Texas.  Yesterday I preached about “Living by Faith” and I talked about how we are to respond to the promises of God.  Let’s get into it.    

How to respond to the promises of God:

1.  Respond by being sure and certain.  The Bible says,

(Heb 11:1 NIV)  Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

  • Faith is being sure and certain that God will do what He said He would do in your life.

  • If God promises it, then you can be sure and certain it will happen, because God will never fail His Word.

  • But how long can you remain sure and certain?  No matter how much you have grown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, when days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and sometimes those months even turn into years before the promise is manifested, we all feel the pressure to no longer be sure or certain.  That is where the next points come in.


2.  Respond by adding patience to your faith.  The Bible says,

(Heb 6:12 NIV)  We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

(Heb 10:36 NLT)  Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will.  Then you will receive all that he has promised.

  • The Greek word translated “patience” here is a word that means: the force of consistency.  You must remain in faith for the long haul, never giving upon what God promised.

  • If you have faith without patience you will confess and believe, but then give up over time.

  • If you have patience without faith, you will suffer-long, but you will never change your situation.

  • But if you have faith and patience, you will stand and believe until you SEE what what God SAID!

3.  Respond by adding joy and peace to your faith.  The Bible says,

(Rom 15:13 NASB)  Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Our God is the God of Hope!

  • The Holy Spirit can give you Supernatural hope that will keep you filled with divine joy and peace while you are waiting on God to manifest what He promises in your life.

  • When you have the excitement that comes from divine joy and the serenity that comes from divine peace, you will not be moved, and you will be able to remain in-faith for the long haul.

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your Word.  Not only have Your filled Your Word with many great and precious promises, but Your Word also teaches me how to respond to Your promises.  By faith I declare that I will respond by being sure and certain that You will do what You said You would do in my life.  I have read promises in Your written Word and I have also received promises from You by spoken words.  No matter how I have received them, I believe Your promises to me and I am both SURE and CERTAIN that they will come to pass in the fullness of Your timing.  For You they have already happened, for me it is only a matter of time.  Therefore, I will add patience to my faith.  It is with FAITH and PATIENCE that I will possess Your promises.  I have the power of faith and the consistency and endurance of patience operating in my life.  I am sure and certain, and I will remain sure and certain no matter how long it takes.  And finally Father, I will also add JOY and PEACE to my faith, while I am believing You, so that I can maintain a supernatural hope that will not be disappointed.  The excitement that comes from Your joy and the serenity that comes from Your peace will keep my hope alive while I wait to see in my hands, what I have already seen in my heart.  I live my life by faith and everything You have promised me shall come to pass in my life before I die.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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