The Importance of a Prosperous Soul – Example: Mephibosheth

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we looked at Gideon as an example of the importance of having a prosperous soul.  Today we will look at Mephibosheth.


Before David became King he spent years on the run as a fugitive under King Saul’s regime.  During that time he developed a strong friendship with Saul’s son, Prince Jonathan.  David and Jonathan were so close that they made a covenant with each other.  When David finally became King, it did not come without a cost.  Saul and Jonathan we killed just before David took the throne.  Although Jonathan was no longer alive, the covenant remained.


One day King David asked, “Is there anyone left of Saul’s family?  If so, I’d like to show him some kindness in honor of Jonathan.”  One of the older servants was there and told David that Jonathan had a living son; but that he was lame.  It was a sad story.  When the word came to the palace that King Saul was dead, everyone scattered.  Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, was under the care of his nurse.  She grabbed the five year old boy and hurried to get out of the palace.  In her haste she dropped the little Prince and he was maimed in both his feet.  He was carried to the land of Gilead, where he grew up in the city of Lo-debar.  Interestingly enough, Lo-debar means “a place of no pasture,” “a barren place.”

As soon as David was told that Jonathan’s son was living in Lo-debar he commanded his servants to get him.  When Mephibosheth, who was once comfortable around royalty, came before King David, he bowed deeply, abasing himself, honoring David.  David said, “Mephibosheth.” “Yes sir,” he replied.  “Don’t be frightened,” said David.  “I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan.  To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul.  Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.”


King David was giving Mephibosheth a tremendous blessing, but the former Prince was not ready to receive it, because he no longer had a prosperous soul.  Instead of accepting the blessing, Mephibosheth knelt down again and said, “Why should you care about me?  I’m worth no more than a dead dog.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Don’t judge your future by your past and don’t let your past hold you back.  God can bless you richly, but in many cases you must LET GO of your past in order to LAY HOLD of your future.


2.  God is not through with you.  Like Mephibosheth, you may have experienced unpleasant and unfortunate events in life.  But you are still alive.  The fact that there is still blood flowing through your veins and air flowing through your lungs is evidence that God is not through with you.  Keep believing.  Develop a prosperous soul.  Your latter shall be greater!  Say, “Forward ever, backward never.  The best is yet to come!


3.  It’s never too late for God.  While Mephibosheth lived in Lo-Debar I am sure he and his friends reminisced about the ‘good ole times’, thinking that it was too late for anything good to happen.   But it was not too late for David to offer a turnaround to Mephibosheth and it is not too late for God to offer you a turnaround either.


4.  A prosperous soul keeps you ready to receive.  Mephibosheth did not have a prosperous soul and he was not ready when his turnaround came.  He was not mentally ready to receive.  Are you?  One Word from God can turn any seemingly hopeless situation around.  If God approaches you today, ready to give you the breakthrough you have been praying for, are you ready to receive it?  If you develop a prosperous soul you will be.  A prosperous soul is always ready to recognize God’s hand and receive His blessings by faith.


5.  God will honor the prayers of your ancestors.  Mephibosheth was blessed because of a covenant his late-father made.  Although his father was dead, the covenant remained.  Likewise, God will honor the prayers of your parents and grandparents, whether they are alive or not.  Make no mistake, we sometimes enjoy blessings because of something someone in our bloodline said or did.  Just be open to receive the blessing when it comes.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace, by both precept and example.  I am growing in grace by growing in the knowledge of You.  Mephibosheth did nothing to earn or deserve the blessing David gave him.  It all came to him by grace.  All Mephibosheth needed to do was receive it.  But it was hard for him to receive it, because he saw himself as a “Dead Dog.”  I learn from his story and I prepare myself to receive from you.  No matter what happens to me and no matter how difficult my past has been, I refuse to judge my future by my past.  I develop a prosperous soul.  My heart is open to receive.  You and I both know that there are things I have been praying about, that I am believing You to bring to pass in my life.  Right now, by faith I declare that I am ready to receive.  You can bring me my blessing today.  You can manifest my breakthrough at any moment.  And I declare that I am ready.  You can bless me, because I am ready to receive the blessing with the level of grace and gratitude that is required to keep me humble.  I won’t allow the blessing to keep me from The Blesser.  No matter how much You bless me Father, I will never get to the point where I think I don’t need You.  So here I am Father, ready to receive.  I LET GO of what’s behind me and I am ready to LAY HOLD of what’s before me.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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Tim Robinson July 26, 2014 - 12:01 am

Good word brother! I will not let my past dictate my future!

Rick July 27, 2014 - 9:30 pm

Amen my brother! Neither will I :-).

By the way, I like your email address!



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