Satan’s Attack Is Strong – God’s Grace is STRONGER!

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we saw how satan used Mrs. Potiphar to tempt Joseph with sex.  Today we will see how persistent she was and how she lied on him when she could not get her way.  The Bible says:


The woman talked with Joseph every day, but he refused to sleep with her.  One day Joseph went into the house to do his work. He was the only man in the house at the time.  His master’s wife grabbed his coat and said to him, “Come to bed with me.” But Joseph ran out of the house so fast that he left his coat in her hand.   The woman saw that Joseph had left his coat in her hand and had run out of the house.  She called to the men outside and said, “Look! This Hebrew slave was brought here to make fun of us. He came in and tried to attack me, but I screamed.  My scream scared him and he ran away, but he left his coat with me.”  Then she kept his coat until her husband, Joseph’s master, came home.  She told her husband the same story. She said, “This Hebrew slave you brought here tried to attack me!  But when he came near me, I screamed. He ran away, but he left his coat.”  (Gen 39:10-18 ERV)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Satan does not want to see you prosper.  Joseph was doing well.  He was a prosperous slave.  The blessing upon his life was in operation and the enemy was not happy about it.  It is the same with you.  You will realize that you don’t get attacked much if you are broke, busted, disgusted, frustrated, disillusioned and void of any dreams or aspirations in life.  It is when you believe God, when you dream God-sized dreams, when you experience divine favor, and when you step out in faith that you will see the enemy crank up the pressure on you.


2.  Satan is persistent.  He first attacked Joseph with a temptation that most young men would have fallen to.  When the initial temptation did not work, he tempted Joseph every day, over and over again, in hopes of wearing him down.  When that did not work, the enemy tried a new scheme: a false accusation.  What’s my point?  My point is that just like God is out to bless you every day, the enemy is out to destroy you every day.  He has nothing better to do.  But don’t worry, God has given you the grace to overcome every attack.


3.  God is bigger than satan and His grace is stronger than your opposition.  When his brothers sold him as a slave, God saw to it that Joseph wound up in Potiphar’s home.  God then blessed the work of his hands.  When Mrs. Potiphar came on to Joseph continually, God’s grace empowered Joseph to resist her sexual offerings.  When her disappointment turned into a false accusation, we will see how God graced Joseph to deal with what came next.  My point is that no matter what satan brought Joseph’s way, God had already given Joseph the grace to overcome it.  That was true for Joseph back then and it is also true for you today.


4.  You have the grace to keep going.


a.  Joseph never gave up, because God was with him.  God is also with you and He has given you the grace to keep going.


b.  Here is the answer to ‘how to win in life’: You simply refuse to lose.  The only way you can lose is if you quit.


c.  Satan is committed to destroying you and God is committed to blessing you.  Which one do you have more confidence in?


d.  No matter what you are facing this morning, remember this: Your God is bigger than your problem!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my purpose.  I also thank You for using the life of Joseph to teach me about my own life.  Joseph is someone I can relate to.  I see the attacks he faced, all because of his purpose, and how You had already given him the grace to overcome.  You did things FOR him completely by Your favor and grace, that he did not need to even participate in.  You also did things THROUGH him, where you empowered him to keep his peace, to maintain his integrity, and to continue to believe that Your dream for his life would come to pass.  I learn from Joseph.  I know satan will attack me, because my purpose is worth attacking.  I know satan will be persistent, but so will I.  I know the opposition will be strong, but Your grace on my life is STRONGER.  So no matter what I face and no matter how long I face it, I will not lose, because I refuse to quit.  You have already given me the grace to overcome every attack and still love every attacker.  I embrace Your grace.  I allow Your power to flow through me.  I minimize ME, so You can maximize YOURSELF through me.  You are bigger than any problem I face.  Your grace is stronger than any attack from satan.  Your power is greater than anything satan can bring my way.  So my trust and confidence is NOT in me; it is in You, in Your power, and in Your dedication to me.  I may not know WHAT my future holds, but I am excited because I know WHO hold my future.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.



This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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