Attempting the Impossible

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  In today’s lesson I will summarize Genesis chapter 40.  One day Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker did something wrong so the king put them in the same prison as Joseph.  Interestingly enough, the commander of the prison’s guards’ name was Potiphar, just like Joseph old master, and this Potiphar assigned Joseph to take care of the new prisoners.  After they had been in jail for quite some time they both had dreams on the same night.  When Joseph arrived the next morning he asked them, “What’s wrong?  Why the long faces?”  They said, “We dreamed dreams and there’s no one to interpret them.”  Now, to our knowledge, Joseph had no experience in interpreting dreams.  However, Joseph’s confidence in God caused him to attempt to receive the interpretation of the dreams from the Lord.  Joseph said, “Tell me the dreams.”


The cupbearer said, “In my dream there was a vine in front of me with three branches on it: It budded, blossomed, and the clusters ripened into grapes.  I was holding Pharaoh’s cup; I took the grapes, squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup, and gave the cup to Pharaoh.”  Without hesitation, Joseph said what he believed he received from the Lord.  Joseph said, “Within three days, Pharaoh will get you out of here and put you back to your old work – you’ll be giving Pharaoh his cup just as you used to do when you were his cupbearer.  Only remember me when things are going well with you again – tell Pharaoh about me and get me out of this place.”  I am sure the baker was excited when he heard Joseph’s interpretation for the cupbearer.  So the baker took his turn and said, “My dream went like this: I saw three wicker baskets on my head; the top basket had assorted pastries from the bakery and birds were pecking at them from the basket on my head.”  Joseph’s interpretation, “Within three days Pharaoh will take off your head, impale you on a post, and the birds will pick your bones clean.”  Wow.  Just like that.  Joseph did not skip a beat.  He said what he believed God told him to say, even though it was not good news.


Three days later it was Pharaoh’s birthday and he threw a feast for all his servants.  He called for the cupbearer and baker.  Just like Joseph said, Pharaoh restored the cupbearer to his position and he had the baker killed.  Joseph’s interpretations were exact.  Do you know why?  Because they did not come from him.  They came from God, by His grace.  You would think this would send chills up the cupbearer’s spine and that he would tell Pharaoh about Joseph, but the cupbearer forgot all about Joseph.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Joseph believed God to do something he had never done.  Joseph had no experience interpreting dreams, nor did he have the power to do it.  But he believed God.  Joseph knew God had the answers and he believed God would provide him the answers by His grace.  Joseph’s faith accessed God’s grace and he was able to do something humanly impossible.  Will your faith access God’s grace today?  Just because you have never done it, it does not mean that it cannot be done.  If might be humanly impossible, but it is surely not impossible to God.  Your faith in God can open the door to His supernatural power.  But if you don’t believe it’s possible, then it will never be possible for you.


2.  Joseph stepped out in faith.  Once Joseph believed it was possible, it was time to access God’s grace to actually DO it.  Getting past belief, Joseph stepped out in faith and he said what he believed he received from God.  This is a big deal, because I am sure satan was telling Joseph not to say it.  The enemy will flood your mind with thoughts of failure; thoughts like, “Don’t say that.  What if it does not come true?  You will look like a fool.”  But faith gets past the doubts and attempts what only God can do!  Joseph spoke in faith, transmitting what he believed he was receiving from God, by His grace, and the rest is history.  Do you have the faith to do the same?


3.  God will lead you to do things at the risk of looking foolish.  Faith is humanity’s attempt at the impossible.  Faith accesses God’s grace for the Supernatural.  So, by design, faith attempts things that cannot be done in the natural.  That means that to truly live by life the Lord will lead you to attempt things that only He can do and if it does not happen, you might look foolish.  But that’s okay.  If it does happen, God will get the glory.  So attempt to do what you believe God is leading you to do, even if you miss it from time to time and you look foolish in the process.  I have missed it.  I have said things publicly I believed I heard from God and it did not happen.  On those occasions I was wrong.  I did not hear correctly.  But there are plenty of times when I did hear correctly and God was glorified.  Listen, you are not perfect and there is a certain level of mystery to walking with God and living by faith.  Just attempt to do what you believe God is leading you to do.  You may not always get it right, but you will NEVER get it right if you don’t try!


4.  Things are not always what they seem.  Joseph took a shot with the cupbearer and although it initially looked like the cupbearer forgot all about him, we will see later that the cupbearer came through for Joseph in the fulness of God’s timing.  So don’t get frustrated when it looks like things are not working out for your good.  If you are still living, then God is still working and He can still bring it to pass.  Hold on to your faith and believe that God will bring it to pass by His grace.


5.  Don’t allow the fear of failure to stifle your faith.  I am sure Joseph was afraid of failing, but he stepped out in faith anyway!  When God leads you to attempt the impossible, JUST DO IT!  Attempt it!  Step out in faith!  You don’t have to come up with the power to do it.  God knows you can’t do it.  He has the power and He will release His power by His grace.  He is simply looking for your faith!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my purpose.  In order to fulfill my purpose, in order to succeed in life, in order to become the person I was born to be, I have to believe in Your grace and live by faith.  My faith accesses Your grace to do what I could never do on my own.  You lead me to do things that I have no experience doing.  You also lead me to do things that are humanly impossible.  And where You lead, You feed.  Where you guide, You provide.  So my confidence is in You.  I believe You can and will give me the supernatural wisdom to do everything You are leading me to do.  You anoint me to operate in whatever capacity I need to operate in to succeed in every area of my life.  Even when it is something I have never done before, I trust in Your ability and grace, and I step out in faith.  When You are leading me I see no limits.  My belief says it’s possible, my faith says it’s done.  I step out in faith, even at the risk of looking foolish, and I trust You to do what I cannot.  I overcome the fear of failure and I literally live by faith.  This is the only way I can live in order to accomplish what I am called to do.  And as I live this way I get to experience an exciting, rewarding and fulfilling life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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