Switching Systems

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”, by continuing on with the story of Joseph.  The famine spread quickly and it was bad everywhere.  Joseph opened the storehouses and began to sell grain to the Egyptians.  As expected, soon people from all over the region came to Egypt looking for food.  Every country was experiencing the famine, but not every country was negatively impacted.  Egypt had received wisdom from God and this wisdom enabled Egypt to be the only country in the region to experience abundance in the midst of the famine.  I say abundance, because they were able to sell their reserves to their own citizens and to other countries during the time of famine.  This made Egypt the richest country in the world (see Gen 41:56,57).


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Pharaoh switched systems.  The king had a system he normally relied on.  His system relied on sorcerers, soothsayers and magicians to provide him counsel.  Whenever he needed wisdom and guidance he sought them out.  However, when they could not interpret his dreams, their failure opened a door for Joseph [and God] to step in.  Joseph came in the name of his God, Jehovah, and interpreted the dreams.  This is when Pharaoh had a choice to make.  He could have ignored Joseph’s God and sent him back to prison or he could have accepted what God had said through Joseph.  Accepting Joseph meant that he would be switching systems.  He would no longer rely on his former advisors; those who used witchcraft to get answers.  Pharaoh made his choice, he switched systems, and his nation became the richest nation in the world (at the time).

2.  Abraham switched systems.  Abram was 75 yrs. old when God called him.  He was accustomed to living a certain way.  He lived amongst idol worshippers.  Abram had a choice to make.  He could either continue living with his family, in the midst of the worship of many/false gods, or he could leave everything he knew to go to a place he had never been and to serve a single and invisible God.  Abram made his choice, he switched systems and the rest is history.

3.  Jacob switched systems.  Jacob worked for Laban for 20 years.  Laban took advantage of Jacob and changed his wages 10 times over that time span.  Jacob received a dream from God about spotted and speckled animals.  He had a choice to make.  He could either continue working for a paycheck under Laban or he could take a leap of faith to a system of working for strange and rare animals.  Jacob made his choice.  He switched systems and made more money in the 21st year than he had made in the previous 20 combined.

4.  Have you switched systems?

a)  When you switch systems your total reliance is on God and His grace.

b)  When you switch systems you move from relying on Your ability to God’s ability.

c)  When you switch systems you no longer see limits, because God’s ability is limitless.

d)  When you switch systems you die to self and you allow God to flow His love, light and power through you.

e)  When you switch systems you become God’s legs to walk, His mouth to talk and His hands to touch in the earth.

5.  Switching systems positions you for Godly success.

a)  When you switch systems conditions that cripple others can go seemingly unnoticed to you.

b)  When you switch systems God can cause you to prosper while everyone around you is in a famine.

c)  When you switch systems God expects you to help those negatively impacted by the conditions that don’t impact you, because you are empowered to prosper in spite of earthly conditions.

d)   When you switch systems you become the light of the world; a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  The more I study Your grace and the more I realize what You have already planned for me to do, the better equipped I am to live by faith and to access Your power to succeed in life.  The secret to my success is NOT more TRYING.  The secret to my success is more DYING.  I die to self.  I switch systems.  I no longer rely on the arm of the flesh.  My confidence is NOT in man or in me.  My confidence is firmly rooted and grounded in You, in Your grace, and in Your tireless dedication to me.  You are my source and my supply.  You protect me from events that cripple others, and as You do, I declare that I will use my strength to be a blessing and not a burden.  As the world gets darker, Your light IN me gets brighter, and people that used to laugh at me now come to ask me for help.  When the world is struggling I am winning, because Your grace empowers me to prosper in a way that is not reliant on the systems of this world.  I AM success in the midst of failure!  I AM light in the midst of darkness!  I AM hope in the midst of despair!  Not because I am so good, but only because of Your grace, only because I was willing to SWITCH SYSTEMS!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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