Overcoming Frustration and Procrastination

by Rick

Read Genesis 43:1-14


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”, by continuing in the story of Joseph.  Chapter 42 ended with Jacob refusing to risk harm to Benjamin by sending him to Egypt.  His decision meant that Simeon would remain hostage and that their time was limited because Egypt was the only place with food.  Sure enough, the famine got worse and when they had had eaten all the food Jacob said, “Go back and get some more food.”  But Judah said, “The man warned us most emphatically, ‘You won’t so much as see my face if you don’t have your brother with you.’  If you’re ready to release our brother to go with us, we’ll go down and get you food.  But if you’re not ready, we aren’t going.  What would be the use?‘”  What a dilemma.  Jacob was very frustrated.  He said, “Why are you making my life so difficult!  Why did you ever tell the man you had another brother?”  That was irrelevant by this point, but frustration will cause you to focus on things that cannot help.


Judah pushed his father saying, “Let the boy go; I’ll take charge of him.  Let us go and be on our way – if we don’t get going, we’re all going to starve to death – we and you and our children too!  I’ll take full responsibility for his safety; it’s my life on the line for his.  If I don’t bring him back safe and sound, I’m the guilty one; I’ll take all the blame.  If we had gone ahead in the first place instead of procrastinating like this, we could have been there and back twice over.”


When the criticality of the situation finally set in Jacob realized that all their lives were in danger.  Jacob gave in and said, “If it has to be, it has to be.  But do this: stuff your packs with the finest products from the land you can find and take them to the man as gifts – some balm and honey, some spices and perfumes, some pistachios and almonds.  And take plenty of money – pay back double what was returned to your sacks; that might have been a mistake.  Take your brother and get going.  Go back to the man.”  Jacob finally seemed to come around.  He was willing to use the resources he had to get what he wanted.  He had plenty of money, but what he needed was faith and food.


Jacob said, “When you go in to see the governor, I pray that God All-Powerful will be good to you and that the governor will let your other brother and Benjamin come back home with you.  If I must lose my children, I suppose I must.”  Jacob’s statement reminds me of one made by a father in the New Testament.  His son needed to be healed, Jesus told him, “Everything is possible for the person who believes,” and the father replied, “I believe!  Help my unbelief.”  In one breath Jacob prayed that the God All-Powerful would give them grace and favor, and then, in the next breath, he resigned to losing his children.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


  1.  Don’t feel like you are the only one to struggle to live by faith.  If you sometimes struggle to live by faith, just know that you are in good company.  Some of the greatest men in scripture struggled to make their stands of faith and many then struggled to remain in faith while they were waiting on the manifestation of God’s promises.
  2.  Jacob was not perfect.  Jacob spoke believe and faith, and then, in the same breath, he spoke unbelief and failure.  This is important to understand, especially when you feel like you are struggling with fear, doubt and unbelief.  Jacob wavered between faith and frustration, but God was still there, He was still committed to Jacob, and He still saw to it that Jacob was blessed by His amazing grace.  This gives you hope, because you realize you are not perfect either.
  3.  Frustration often leads to procrastination.  Jacob knew what he had to do.  Deep down inside Jacob knew he needed to operate in faith and trust God to protect Benjamin.  But Jacob got frustrated and his frustration led him to be idle.  Jacob procrastinated so long that he almost allowed his entire family to starve to death.  God has called you to live by faith and in order to do it you will have to overcome natural emotions.  Don’t allow fear, doubt or frustration to keep you stuck in procrastination.  Break out of your rut, step out in faith, become the person you were born to be and live the life you were born to live!
  4.  You can weather the storm.  Jacob weathered this storm and you can weather yours.  God loves you, He wants to bless you by His grace, and He is looking for your faith.  Muster up your faith and apply your faith to your famine.  Mustard seed faith can produce mountain-like results.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  In order to become the person You birthed me to be, to make the impact I was born to make, and to experience the life I was born to live, I must overcome fear, failure, and frustration.  Frustration leads to procrastination and procrastination leads nowhere.  So Father, by faith I declare that I overcome the frustrating moments I have in life.  I am not always going to FEEL like doing Your will.  I won’t always FEEL like going to church.  I won’t always FEEL like walking in love.  I won’t always FEEL like walking in my purpose.  I won’t always FEEL like fulfilling my assignment.  So it’s a good thing that I don’t live by how I FEEL.  I don’t live by FEELINGS, I live by FAITH!  By FAITH I tell my FEELINGS how to FEEL!  By FAITH I step out into my purpose, even when I don’t FEEL like it.  By FAITH I see what You promised me, I say what I see before it manifests in the earth.  By FAITH I pursue what I have seen in my heart until I am able to see it in my hands.  I may not be perfect, but I am committed to being the person You called me to be.  So I apply my faith to my famine.  I speak life and not death, blessing and not cursing, victory and never defeat!  I overcome frustration and procrastination on the road to fulfilling my purpose!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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