Understanding The Importance of Prayer

by Rick

(Gen 1:26 NIV)  Then God (Elohim, the Creator God) said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”


This morning we continue our series, “Maximizing 2015 by God’s GREAT GRACE” by teaching on the importance of prayer.  I will teach on prayer all week.  Many of us are fasting during this season and if you are not-praying while you are fasting, then you might as well just say that you are going without eating, because fasting and prayer go hand-in-hand.  With that in mind, let’s go back to the beginning.


The key words in our text for today are: “Let them rule.”  This is where God established the relationship between Himself (in heaven) and man (in the earth).  God placed man (humankind) in the earth to dominate and rule it.  Let’s ‘pull the string’ on this point a little:


  1.  God gave man (humankind) the legal right and authority to operate in the earth.


  1.  Man became the legal steward of the earth domain.


  1.  Man is a spirit, he possesses a soul, and he lives within a physical body (while he is in the earth).  Man’s physical body is his connection to the earth realm.


  1.  God is so committed to this that when He wanted to operate freely in the earth He submitted Himself to His own law and He came as a man.  God, who is a Spirit, came to the earth and lived within a physical body.


  1.  Both God and satan actively seek the agreement and cooperation of humans to operate in the earth.


  1.  Demonic spirits external to physical bodies don’t have the legal right to operate in the earth domain.  This is why satan and his demons actively seek to possess humans.  Many have consciously or subconsciously welcomed evil spirits to possess their bodies.  God, on the other hand, freely offers to live inside every human who accepts Jesus as Lord.  When we are Born-Again God’s precious Holy Spirit takes up residence in us.


I know this may seem like a lot to digest, but I am attempting to lay the foundation for this week.  You may be thinking, “Now Rick, what does this have to do with prayer?”  Actually, quite a bit.  When you understand the legal right you have as a human in the earth, coupled with the awesome ability to be influenced by the Holy Spirit Himself (who is living IN you as a believer), you can then tap into the power of prayer.  When you the understanding of prayer and how God wants to use prayer to influence the earth, you WANT to pray, because you understand that as much as you need God, He also needs You.  The Father is looking for people in the earth to pray, to agree with His will, for His plans to manifest in the earth realm.


Of course, God can work without us.  I will never say God can’t do whatever He wants to do without prayer, but from what we can see in scripture, it seems as though God chooses to perform His will with the cooperation of humans.  This is a major aspect of prayer.


So what does this mean to you today?  It means that God is counting on you to pray.  We are still laying the foundation, but let’s glean a few golden nuggets from what we know so far about prayer:


  1.  Prayer is agreeing with God’s plans and purposes faith, knowing He prepared them by grace, and believing they will be accomplished in the earth.


  1.  Prayer is how the earth agrees with heaven.


  1.  Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.


  1.  Prayer is man exercising his legal authority in the earth to invoke heaven’s influence on the planet.


  1.  Prayer is the creation getting the Creator involved in any given situation.


I hope this gives you a better understanding of the importance of prayer.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for Your Great Grace towards me.  You love me with an everlasting love, and You loved me enough to make plans for me before the world began.  You now expect me to die to self to the point where I come in alignment with those plans.  Prayer is a big part of that.  I have both a right and a responsibility to pray.  Jesus gave me the right to come boldly before Your throne in order to receive the grace to help in the time of need.  I appreciate that right and I don’t take it lightly.  I also have a responsibility to pray – not only for me and my household, but for every situation the Holy Spirit leads me to pray about.  Through prayer I access heaven.  Through prayer I come in alignment with Your will.  Through prayer I set my faith in agreement with Your Kingdom plans and purposes.  Through prayer I agree that Your Kingdom has come and Your will shall be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.  So I pray daily and throughout the day.  I pray in faith, knowing my faith accesses Your grace.  And in this season of the Greater Grace, my prayers will tap into Your grace to make 2015 the best year of my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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