Stop Thinking Small!

by Rick

(Read Daniel 2:48)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we saw how King Nebuchadnezzar fell down before Daniel to honor him and worship his God.  It was an awesome example of the grace of God in operation and it helps us understand why God graces us to succeed.  We might get the promotion, but God should get the glory.  Today we will take a look at the actual promotion Daniel received.


The Bible says, “Then the king gave Daniel a very important job in his kingdom and gave him many expensive gifts.  Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel ruler over the whole province of Babylon and put him in charge of all the wise men of Babylon.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  God is not opposed to earthly success.

a)  God was behind Daniel’s promotion.  It was clearly grace in operation.  The same can be said for Joseph, David, Moses, Esther, and many others.

b)  God does not have two wills: one for the earth and one for heaven.  It’s not God’s plan for you to suffer throughout your life in the earth, only to enjoy heaven when you get there some day, in the sweet by-and-by.  No, God does not have a will for you for heaven and another will for you for the earth.  God loves you and if you allow Him to use you, you can actually experience heaven on earth!


2.  God uses earthly success to strategically place you in positions of influence.

a)  The very first act Daniel performed in his new position of influence was to give Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego positions as well.

b)  Instead of complaining about the “decision makers”, God can promote you to become one of them.

c)  It’s good to pray for the Congress, the Supreme Court, and state/city/local officials, but it’s better for God to actually promote His people into those positions.  This way God can influence the system from within.

d)  Daniel was a teenage Hebrew slave in Babylon, and through one grace-filled encounter with the king, he became a leader in the Babylonian system; a leader God could use to influence Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon.

e)  I am witness.  Years ago I used to complain about the leaders in my field.  As a grew in Christ I learned to pray for them.  But thankfully, by God’s grace, God promoted me to become one of them.  Now God uses me to influence the earthly ‘system’ I operate in, from the highest levels.  I do this by God’s grace and for His glory!


3  One Word from God can turn any seemingly hopeless  situation around.

a)  Daniel walked into the room as a slave with a bounty on his head.  He walked out of the room as the Superintendent of the District of Babylon.

b)  If God could promote Daniel from slave to Superintendent in a moment, then what is it that He cannot do in your life?

c)  You are just one encounter away from your breakthrough.  Not because you deserve it, but only because of God’s grace!


4.  Stop thinking small.

a)  Take a moment to think about what God did for Daniel.  Now think about your own life.  Are you thinking too small?

b)  If God could promote a slave who was scheduled to be executed to District Superintendent in a moment, then don’t you think He can use you for His glory?

c)  Don’t think small because you think it is being humble.  True humility is accepting God’s assignment, no matter how BIG it is!

d)  Don’t think small because you think you don’t deserve good things.  God’s blessing is not tied to your performance.  It’s tied to His assignment for your life; an assignment fashioned by His grace.

e)  Don’t think small because you think you have done too many bad things.  You have not disqualified yourself from your assignment.  Guess what?  You never qualified for it in the first place.  Jesus qualified you.  You cannot be disqualified from what Jesus qualified you for.  So STOP THINKING SMALL and accept God’s best for your life.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I see what You did in Daniel’s life and it reminds me of Your limitless power.  There is nothing You cannot do.  There is nothing too hard for You.  What seems big to me is actually “light work” for you.  So I will stop looking at my life through my own lens.  I will look at my life through Your lens, so I can see what You want me to do.  And I will accept Your assignment.  I thought I was being humble when I did not want to ask You for much.  But true humility is accepting ALL You want to do IN, WITH, and THROUGH my life – no matter how BIG it is.  I thought I was being humble when I did not ask You for much, because of the mistakes of my past.  But true humility accepts Your grace, Your forgiveness, and Your assignment.  So here I am Father.  All that I am and all that I am not, is all Yours.  You are my Lord.  You are my God.  You are my King.  I worship You!  I am here to do whatever You want me to do and I am determined to get it all done before I die.  Not by my power, but by Your strength.  Not because I deserve it, but only because of Your grace.  My eyes are open to see.  My heart is open to believe.  My life is open to achieve Godly success in the earth, as it is in heaven.  I declare that through my life You will be glorified, the church will be edified, and satan will be horrified!  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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