Sowing and Reaping

by Rick

(Read Luke 5:1-11)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday we saw the chance encounter Andrew had with Jesus.  The young fisherman was taken aback when he heard John the Baptist call Jesus the Messiah.  Today we will look at Simon’s encounter, one that took place while Simon was working as a fisherman.


One day Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee when a crowd gathered around Him to hear the Word.  Jesus sought a platform from which to preach.  He noticed two boats tied up, with the owners of the boats (fishermen by trade), scrubbing their nets.  Jesus got into one of the boats — the one that ‘just so happened’ to belong to  the one belonging to Simon (later known as Peter).  Jesus asked Simon to set out a little from shore.  Jesus used Simon’s boat as a pseudo-pulpit and He preached from His water platform.  When Jesus finished He used the principle of sowing and reaping to serve as a witness to Simon.  Simon had given up his boat and his time.  In the Kingdom of God that would be considered a “seed”.  So Jesus gave Simon an opportunity to reap a harvest.  Jesus told Simon to launch out into the deep water and let down his nets for a catch.  This is where Simon almost missed his blessing.  After all, Simon was the fisherman and Jesus was the preacher.  Simon knew better than most how the fish of the Sea of Galilee were not easily caught in nets during the day.  He had toiled (sweated) all night long and caught nothing.  Although he was a professional, his expertise and sweat had produced NO RESULTS.


Simon’s head head was telling him that Jesus knew nothing about fishing, but his heart was telling him to listen.  Simon made the right choice and followed his heart.  He told Jesus that he would let down the nets again, based solely on His word.  Guess what happened?  Peter caught a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish.  There were so many fish in his net that he had to call for his partners (James and John) to help.  In this message I will focus on the net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish.  But in tomorrow’s message I will focus on Simon’s reaction to the event.  Simon fell down on his knees before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord.  I am a sinful man!”  Jesus used natural success to serve as a Spiritual witness and Simon was changed forever.


So what does this mean to you today?  As stated, tomorrow I will focus on the Spiritual witness of the load of fish.  But since this is a series about Godly success, today I will focus on the business aspects of Simon Peter’s actions and Jesus’ response.


  1.  Even the best natural efforts are sometimes met with poor results.  By all accounts Peter was an expert fisherman, but his human expertise could not guarantee success.  He toiled hard all night long, putting in human effort and lots of sweat, and by morning time he had NOTHING to show for it.  I am sure we can all identify with tireless efforts that wound up being fruitless.  This is why we must rely on God and His grace for success.


  1.  While the world’s economy is based on buying-and-selling, the Kingdom economy is based on sowing-and-reaping.  I taught a series on the Biblical Principles of Sowing and Reaping (click here to visit it online).  Simon Peter sowed from his fishing business into Jesus’ ministry.  Peter sowed his time (while Jesus was ministering from his boat), talent (positioning the boat and keeping it in place for Jesus), and treasure (the equipment he used was from his fishing business).  When you sow your time, talent and treasure, the Lord will see to it that you reap a harvest.


  1.  Don’t let your intellect keep you from your blessing.  We sometimes over think our way out of a blessing.  Simon Peter knew a great deal about fishing and his knowledge almost caused him to miss his harvest.  I am a very rational person.  I believe God has given me common sense.  But I also know that when it comes to the things of God I must be led by the Spirit and not my senses.  God is not sensual, He is Spiritual.  So listen to God, no matter how irrational His instructions may seem.  God’s wisdom is greater than your logic.  Your obedience, especially in the face of logic, is often the key that unlocks the door to your blessing.


  1.  Not effortless, but sweatless.  While Peter’s harvest was clearly not effortless — he still had to launch the boat and let down his net — it was sweatless.  The underlying point of this series is to teach you how to pursue and obtain Godly success.  If you allow God to lead you, you will succeed in this world.  It will not be effortless, but it can be sweatless.  You will still have to work, but it will be work led of the Holy Spirit, empowered by God’s grace.  When you work this way God will bless the work of your hands and you will experience grace-based success.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  Godly success is much better than worldly success.  Your success comes without the trappings of this world.  As I walk with You and You with me, You can bless the work of my hands to the point where I experience success without stress, struggle or strain.  You want me to work, but You want me to work Your way, empowered by Your grace, doing the things I was born to do.  This way my life will not be filled with sweat and no fruit.  Since I am led of Your Spirit and I seek to do only the things I am led to do, my life and my work won’t be effortless, but it shall be sweatless.  I don’t have to toil hard without results.  I am led of You and I flow with You throughout the course of each day.  You lead me to do things that make no sense at all, and I do them by faith.  Your wisdom often defies human logic, and I have the faith to obey Your Spirit, even at the risk of looking foolish.  I sow my time, talent and treasure into Your Kingdom and I declare by faith that I reap a harvest on every seed sown.  While the world is focused on buying-and-selling, I am focused on sowing-and-reaping and You (The Lord of the Harvest), see to it that I get to enjoy every harvest You want me to have, by Your grace, with Your favor, for Your glory!  My earthly success will serve as a Spiritual witness to lead people to You!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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