World Changers

by Rick

(Read Luke 5:1-11)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  For the past couple of days we looked at Simon Peter’s chance encounter with Jesus at the shore of the Sea of Galilee.  By now we know about Simon’s net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish.  Yesterday we focused in on the fact that God’s goodness towards Simon made him think about his own sin.  Simon fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord.  I am a sinful man!


Today we will focus on what happened next.  The load of fish was so great that Simon had to call for his partners in business, James and John, to help him.  All three men were awestruck by the number of fish they caught.  I’m sure they realized it was a supernatural act.  While Simon was on his knees acknowledging his sin and James and John were with him, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid!  From now on you’ll be fishing for people!”  From common-day fishermen Jesus would convert Simon, James and John into fishers of men.  The Bible says that as soon as they boats were put away these men left everything and followed Jesus.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  Jesus took three common fishermen (Peter, James and John) and made them world-changers by His grace and power.


  1.  God is looking for people who are willing to give themselves wholly over to Him, so He can use them to change the world.


  1.  God is not limited by your inadequacies.  He has all power and He can do all things through you.  God is only limited by your level of submission to Him.


  1.  Peter, James and John had an encounter with Jesus at the shore of the Sea of Galilee and after one encounter they left everything — walking away from their fishing business — to follow Him!  How many encounters have you had with Jesus?  And how submitted/surrendered are you at this point?


  1.  The more you give yourself to Jesus, the more He can use you to change the world.


  1.  God is looking to change communities, corporations, cities, counties and countries, and He is seeking to do it through men in the earth.  Are you available?  Are you willing?  Are you ready to give yourself over to God?  If you are, God will take you, bless you, teach you and then deploy you back into the world to leave a mark that will never be erased!


  1.  Stop looking at your ability and express your availability to God.  Your ability is not an issue, because God can put His Super on your natural.  But your availability, or lack thereof, is the major issue, because God will not force you to do anything.  If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19), and God will use you to change the world.


  1.  If Jesus could take three fishermen and convert them into His inner circle, into His most trusted advisors and protégés, then surely He can do something special with you.


  1.  Godly success is not contingent upon your background, money, education or relationships.  Godly success can only be experienced by God’s grace and your submission.


  1.  Godly success is not a matter of more trying, it is simply a matter of more dying.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  The more I study Your grace, the more I realize I need elevate my faith.  I have been thinking and praying too small.  From this moment forward I shall pray God-sized prayers, I will have God-sized thoughts, and I will remove every artificial limit I have ever placed on You, my limitless God.  There is nothing You cannot do.  You want to change the world, You want to do it through me, and I declare that I am willing.  I die to self.  I am willing to give You my whole heart.  Like Peter, James and John, I am willing to walk away from everything in order to find myself in You.  My ability is not an issue for You, because Your Super can overtake my natural.  But my availability has been an issue, because You will not overrule my will.  So from this moment, I declare that my availability is no longer an issue.  I will my will to work with You!  I shall change the world!  Not by my power, but by Your strength.  Not because of my goodness, but because of Your grace.  So I am ready to change communities, counties, cities, corporations, countries, governments, and any place else You want to send me.  I am world changer because God lives IN me!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Sonja September 16, 2015 - 6:09 am



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