The Reality of Your Humanity

by Rick

(Read Matthew 16:21-23)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  For the last few days we looked at a passage in Matthew 16 where God revealed to Simon Jesus’ true identity.  Simon then said what he heard from the Father and Jesus responded by changing his name to Peter.  By finding Jesus Peter found himself and his purpose.  I am sure Peter was feeling pretty good about himself.  He had just received revelation from the Father and public validation from the Son.  If there was anytime this fisherman-turned-disciple ever felt pride, this was probably the moment.  But his elation was short lived.


Jesus began to explain to His disciples that he would have to go to Jerusalem and endure much suffering from the elders, chief priests and scribes.  Jesus told His men that in the end he would be killed and then raised to life again on the third day.  Peter, fresh off his revelation from the Father, pulled Jesus to the side.  Peter said, “God save you from those sufferings, Lord!  That will never happen to you!”  Then Jesus turned round and said to Peter, “Out of my way, Satan! … you stand right in my path, Peter, when you look at things from man’s point of view and not from God’s.”  Peter thought he was saying a good thing.  He was actually saying what many people would say.  But Jesus was always being led of the Father and Peter, at this moment, clearly was not.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  To be successful in this world, in God’s sight, you must discern God’s will and learn to see things from His point of view.


  1.  When your thoughts for any given situation line up with God’s thoughts, you are in position to accomplish God’s will in the earth.


  1.  God is constantly speaking.  He reveals His will to you.  His revelation then becomes your invitation for participation.


  1.  Jesus lived by divine revelation every day.  He only said what He heard and did what He saw.  This is how we are supposed to live.


  1.  Peter tapped into divine revelation for a moment.  He heard from the Father and he was blessed because of it.  But a few moments later he operated in the flesh and he was rebuked for it.


  1.  The man (Peter) who was commended by Jesus in one moment for seeing things from God’s point of view, was rebuked the next moment for seeing things from man’s point of view.


  1.  This world has a system and I am sure you are comfortable living by it.  But if you are ever going to become a success in God’s eyes, you must learn to live by God’s system.  Learn to hear His voice, to see things His way, and to operate from His reality.


  1.  When God and the common man both look at a situation, each sees something different.  The question is: Which perspective will you live by?  To become a success in God’s sight you must learn to live by God’s perspective and not man’s.


  1.  Your humanity becomes a stumbling block for your divinity.  If you are going to maximize your purpose and potential you must die to your humanity, so your divinity can shine through.


  1.  God knows you are human and you will make mistakes.  Peter mistakes did not disqualify him from his purpose and neither will yours.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  Faith is able to see into Your realm.  While I live in time, by faith I am able to see into eternity.  While I live in the earth, by faith I am able to see into heaven.  Faith gives me access into the realm of the unseen and I am able to then live by what I see.  By faith I declare that I see things Your way.  I live from heaven’s perspective.  I don’t look at situations the way the world does.  I look at situations the way You do.  You reveal Your Kingdom plans and purposes to me, and I live by that revelation.  I live from the inside out.  I don’t live by what I can see with my human eyes.  I live by what I see in the Spirit.  I live like Jesus lived.  I only say what You lead me to say.  I only do what You lead me to do.  I die to my humanity and the more I do, the more Your divinity can flow through me.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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