Students Are Not Better Than Their Teacher

by Rick

(Read Matthew 10:22-25)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter.  Our study has brought us to Matthew 10.  Today we will look at verses 22-25.  


I am praying about when the Father will allow me to leave this passage and go on to something that has more direct application to Peter, but I am led to stay here for now, because the instructions Jesus gave His disciples when He sent them out to perform ministry relate to us today.  We are in this world to complete our divine assignment.  We are in this world to represent the God who sent us.  We are in this world to be light and salt.  Jesus sent His disciples out to live as He lived, to become conduits of God’s glory as He was, and if He were alive today, walking with us as He walked with them, He would tell us the same things He told them.  So let’s see what He said.


Jesus said, “Everyone will hate you because you follow me.  But the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved… Students are not better than their teacher.  Servants are not better than their master.  Students should be happy to be treated the same as their teacher.  And servants should be happy to be treated the same as their master.  If those people call me ‘the ruler of demons,’ and I am the head of the family, then it is even more certain that they will insult you, the members of the family!


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s get into it.


  1.  Jesus expected the world to reject and persecute His followers, just as it did to Him.  If no one in this world is ever uncomfortable with what you believe, then you may need to question whether or not you are representing Jesus correctly.


  1.  While Jesus did not send His disciples out looking for a fight, He also did not expect them to back down from their beliefs.


  1.  We are not better than Jesus.  He said, “Students are not better than their teacher.”  The world rejected Him and they will reject us.  That’s why I don’t think it strange when society does not line up with Christian values.  I don’t expect sinners to be anything but sinners.  The problem I have is when believers buckle to the ways of this world and openly accept everything the world says, just to “fit in”.  Jesus did not fit in and He does not expect you to.


  1.  If you follow Jesus’ example and seek to do what He did, it will be disruptive to satan and his kingdom.  If you are not disrupting the kingdom of darkness, then you are not really advancing the Kingdom of God.


  1.  God’s grace is on you to leave a mark in this world.  God did not call you to accept everything, to cower to the pressures of political correctness, or to call wrong right.  If Jesus is your Lord, then people should hear Jesus in your conversation, see Jesus in your actions and feel Jesus when they come in contact with you.


  1.  God’s grace is on you to experience divine success in this world.  But don’t ever think you have to compromise what you believe to experience success.  If you compromise your faith or values to attain something in this world, just know that you may attain it, but it will never equal success.


  1.  In a time when same sex marriage is a hot topic, transgender surgeries are being performed left and right, and debauchery is commonplace, please remember you are a follower of Jesus.  You must love everyone, but walking in love does not mean you have to accept wrong as right.  Jesus loved the sinner, but He never accepted sin.


  1.  Whatever you compromise to get you will have to compromise to keep, and it is never worth it.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  Your grace is on me to succeed in this world.  Your grace is on me to perform and experience supernatural success.  Your grace is on me to win.  But as I seek worldly success I do so as a follower of Jesus.  I am in the world, but I am not of this world.  I enter the world every day as an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God.  As an Ambassador, I am charged to represent my Kingdom in this foreign land.  As an Ambassador, I am supposed to be different.  As an Ambassador, I am supposed to communicate and personify the culture of the Kingdom I represent.  As an Ambassador, I rely on my home nation (heaven), to support me as I do business in my host nation (earth).  And as an Ambassador, I know I will be rejected as my King (Jesus) was rejected, but that’s okay.  I am not moved by people.  I am only moved by God.  I don’t cower to the pressures of this world.  I don’t cower to political correctness.  I don’t accept wrong as right.  I am the student, Jesus is my teacher, and my teacher sends me out daily to advance His Kingdom, for His glory.  I declare that I do and I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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