The Lord Does Not Have to Explain Himself

by Rick

(Read Mat 14:20-29)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter.  Our study has brought us to Matthew 14.  For a few days now we have been looking at Peter’s famous walking on water incident.  Let’s go back to this passage and continue to learn about God’s grace and our requirement to live by faith.


The disciples were in a boat, it was after 3am, they thought they saw a ghost, and then the ghost-like figure started speaking.  They heard a familiar voice say, “Don’t worry!  It’s me!  Don’t be afraid.”  All 12 disciples heard Jesus’ voice, but only Peter spoke up.  Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  To which Jesus replied, “Come”.  The Bible says, “Then Peter left the boat and walked on the water to Jesus.”


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s apply what we have learned thus far in this story to our lives and situations.


1.  God has called you to operate beyond the limits of this world.

a)  There are times when we sense God urging us to step out beyond the human limits that constrain us.  When that happens, our first thought should be, “If God wants me to do this, then He has already given me the grace for it.”  If you think this way you will know that the emphasis is NOT on you and that you DON’T have to work for it.  All God expects of you, at that point, is to RECEIVE it.  

b)  Your role is to receive BY FAITH what God has already provided BY GRACE.

c)  Change your tense. Instead of trying to get God to do something for you, start receiving (by faith) what God has already done (by grace).


2.  Fulfilling God’s call requires putting His will ABOVE your own.

a)  When we feel a desire to operate beyond our human limits (like Peter did when he wanted to get out of the boat), it is prudent to inquire of the Lord to ensure it is His will.

b)  We don’t get to do whatever we want.  Our life is not our own.

c)  If God confirms that it is His will, then the manifestation is also His bill.

d)  Peter inquired, Jesus confirmed, and the Lord provided grace for the manifestation.  All Peter had to do was use His faith to access God’s grace.  This is how you are supposed to live.


3.  There is a reason your walk with God requires faith.  

a)  The Lord often reveals Himself, but He does not have to explain Himself.

b)  The Lord will confirm to you that something is His will, even though He will not give you all the answers up front.  Said another way: the Lord will confirm the WHAT, even though He will not always explain the HOW.

c)  Jesus told Peter to “Come”, and Peter had to have the faith to get out of the boat, even though he had no idea HOW he was going to walk on water.  

d)  Even when Peter was performing the supernatural (walking on water), He did not know how he was doing it.  God never explained Himself to Peter.  God never gave Peter the details.  All Peter knew was that it was God and His grace.  This is how it often is with us.


4.  Walking with God is a walk of faith.  

a)  Walking with God is a journey and you won’t have all the answers.

b)  If God gave you all the answers you would not need faith.

c)  It takes faith to access God’s grace – a faith that launches out, even when it does not know HOW it is going to happen.  Do you have that kind of faith?


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  You made plans for me from the foundations of the world.  You then birthed me into the earth to fulfill those plans.  You have already given me the grace to accomplish my divine assignment.  You have already allocated everything I need to succeed in life.  Your part is already done and You now lead me, by Your Spirit, to do what You have planned for me to do.  But while You reveal Yourself, You do not always explain Yourself.  Therefore, I must answer the call by faith, believing the grace is already there for my success.  I declare that I do.  I will accomplish what I was born to accomplish.  I succeed in life, not by human effort, but by my faith and Your grace, even when I don’t know HOW everything is going to get done.  When I don’t know HOW, my focus is on WHO… and that WHO is YOU!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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