Finding Yourself in Jesus

by Rick

(Read Matthew 16:13-20)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter and our study brought us to Matthew chapter 16.  In this chapter the Father revealed Jesus’ true identity to Simon and Jesus changed his name to Peter.  Let’s look at what happened.


The Bible says, “Jesus went to the area of Caesarea Philippi.  He said to his followers, “Who do people say I am?”  They answered, “Some people say you are John the Baptist.  Others say you are Elijah.  And some say you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  Then Jesus said to his followers, “And who do you say I am?”  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus answered, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah.  No one taught you that.  My Father in heaven showed you who I am.  So I tell you, you are Peter.  And I will build my church on this rock.  The power of death will not be able to defeat my church.  I will give you the keys to God’s kingdom.  When you speak judgment here on earth, that judgment will be God’s judgment.  When you promise forgiveness here on earth, that forgiveness will be God’s forgiveness.”  Then Jesus warned his followers not to tell anyone he was the Messiah.”


There is a lot to cover here and it will us days to walk through this passage.  But for today, I will focus in on how this event changed Simon the Fisherman’s life forever.  From this day forward he would be known as Peter, and he would later be known as the Apostle Peter.  When Simon discovered Jesus he actually discovered himself (Peter) and his purpose.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  The only way to know Jesus is the Messiah is by revelation from the Father.  Jesus said no one taught Simon His true identity, it came by revelation from the Father.  As for us, Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me” (John 6:44).  The Father opens up people heart’s to be able to see Jesus as the Savior of the world!  Not only are we saved by grace, but we could not even identify Jesus as our savior without the grace of God drawing us first!


  1.  When you come to know Jesus as Messiah, as Your Lord and Savior, you are then in position to come to know yourself.


  1.  You will never find yourself (your true self), until you find Jesus.


  1.  When Simon the Fisherman learned who Jesus really was — and this came to him by revelation of the Father — he was then in position to learn who he really was.


  1.  Once Simon received revelation and openly declared Jesus’ true identity, Jesus turned around and declared his true identity.  The same will happen for you.


  1.  You will never discover your purpose until you discover your savior, and His name is Jesus!


  1.  You will never find true fulfillment, which is connected to your divine purpose, until you find Jesus.


  1.  You will never experience true success in life until you find yourself in Jesus.


  1.  The day you are Born-Again is not the end, it is actually just the beginning of an amazing journey towards the fulfillment of your divine purpose.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  You made plans for me before the world began.  You made those plans by grace and You require me to access Your plans with my faith.  But I will never release my faith for something I am not aware of.  I will never believe You for something I am oblivious to.  I must know my purpose before I can pray for the things required to complete it.  I must know who I am in order to succeed in life.  The key to knowing who I am is discovering who Jesus is.  I have made that discovery.  I know Jesus, Your Son, as the Messiah.  I know Jesus came to save the world of our sin.  I accepted Jesus as my Lord.  I found Jesus, and in finding Him I have found myself.  Once I discovered Jesus, Jesus helped me discover myself.  By faith I declare that I know who I am.  I am who You say I am.  I can do what you say I can do.  I am the person You called me to be.  I will leave a mark in this world that will never be erased, because I know who I am, and I walk in Your grace to fulfill my purpose.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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