God Planned For You!

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with an emphasis on “Focusing on God’s Finished Work”.  In the past week I have given you several examples of Biblical characters who were used mightily of God.  Each one of them (Abraham, David, Joseph, Gideon, Peter and Paul) was without a doubt a grace-case.  Allow me to drive home this point one more time before we move on.


Abram the idol worshipper did nothing to earn to deserve his divine call.  God chose to call him, to make his name great, and to bless all the families of the earth through him.  This did not happen because Abram (later Abraham) came up with the idea.  No, it was God’s idea before the world began.  All Abraham did was accept his assignment, die to his old identity, and pursue his God-given call by faith.


David was a shepherd boy, minding his own business, hanging out with his father’s sheep, when he was pulled out of the field to be anointed as the next king of Israel.  David’s life did not turn out the way he planned.  He could have never imagined ‘in a hundred years’, while he was tending sheep, that he was going to wind up as king.  But it was God’s plan.  It was God’s idea.  It was God’s best for David.  Birthed in the heart of God before the world began.


Joseph was the 11th son of his father.  During his day being the 11th of 12 boys did not really set him up for success.  But God had other plans.  God placed His dream in Joseph’s heart.  God chose Joseph to be the person He would use to lead the Israelites into Egypt.  Joseph was destined to be Prime Minister.  But along the way Joseph had to endure the pit, Potiphar and prison phases of his life before he could enjoy the palace.  Looking back, there is no way Joseph could have written his own story.  This was God’s story, penned in God’s journal before the world began.


Gideon was a scared farmer when God called him a Mighty Man of Valor.  Gideon saw himself as the weakest man from the weakest clan in all of Israel.  God saw him as a military General.  Gideon could have never come up with God’s plan for his life, but since he was willing to die to self, God converted him from a coward to a champion.  By God’s grace Gideon led one of the most lopsided military victories in history.  Gideon did it because God planned to do it before the world began.


Simon the Fisherman was content running his fishing business until he met a man named Jesus.  This man asked to use his boat.  Simon invested his time, talent and treasure into Jesus’ ministry.  In turn, Jesus caused him to land a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish.  After the hauling in the biggest catch of his life, Simon fell on his knees, he started following Jesus and Jesus made him a fisher of men.  Simon the Fisherman was converted to Peter the Apostle.  On the Day of Pentecost he preached the first New Testament sermon and 3,000 people were saved.  I am sure Peter never imagined his life would turn out this way when he was running his fishing business.  But God knew, because God planned it before the world began.


Saul of Tarsus spent years becoming a Pharisee of the Pharisees.  He used his passion and his connections to persecute Christians with all his might.  He was too young to stone Stephen, the first Christian martyr, so he held the coats of the men who were there.  Once he was a man, he personally saw to it that there were many more Christian martyrs.  But God had special plans for this murderer.  God saved him and called him away from the religious Jews.  While Saul was a Jew he had no dealings with Gentiles.  Guess what?  God called him to minister to the Gentiles he had avoided all his life.  He was changed from Saul of Tarsus to the Apostle Paul.  He went on four legendary missionary journies.  He started churches all over Asia minor.  He was a Pastor or Pastors.  He wrote half the New Testament.  And none of this was Paul’s idea.  It was all birthed in the heart of God before the world began.


So what does this mean to you today?  I’ve given you enough already.  So I will simply close with three quick points:


  1.  God made plans for you before the world began.  He made those plans by His unearned grace.  You did nothing to earn them and you can do nothing to disqualify yourself from them.


  1.  The best idea you can ever have is to live your life based on God’s idea for you.  God’s idea for your life was birthed in His heart before the world began.


  1.  The day you choose to die to self will be the day you truly start living.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016 by dying to self.  You thought about me before I was born.  You planned for me before I arrived.  You mapped out my success before I ever took one breath.  You then patiently pursued me until I came to You through Your Son Jesus.  Now that I am IN You and You are IN me, You reveal to me the plans that were birthed in Your heart.  I accept those plans.  I believe and receive them in my heart.  And I live everyday BY FAITH in pursuit of my divine destiny!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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