Faith Is What God Requires of You

by Rick

This morning we continue our new series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation.”  In yesterday’s message I told you that faith requires you to get comfortable with a certain level of discomfort.  If you want to truly live by faith (which is what you are called and commanded of God to do), you must get ready to be stretched beyond your limits.  If this year is going to be the best year of your life, you have to be open to be led of God to experience new things, to meet new people, to take on new projects, and to overcome new obstacles.  Bottom line: don’t think you are going to make the most of a new season without being open to anything new.  Faith takes you beyond you!


As I meditated over what to share with you this morning, I felt led to continue to flow in the vein of faith.  Today I will talk about true faith and how it is God’s requirement of us.


So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  Faith is divinity’s requirement of humanity.  Faith is not birthed in the heart of man.  Faith is birthed in the heart of God.  That being that case, faith always extends humanity past its limits.


  1.  Faith is what happens when the creation is influenced by the Creator, to operate like Him in the earth.


  1.  Faith is what happens when humans have the audacity to believe the divine, and then become human conduits of the divine in the earth.


  1.  Faith is what happens when you say “Yes” to God and you give God your entire being (spirit, soul and body), to be used of Him in the earth.


  1.  Faith is what happens when a believer, who lives on earth, is influenced by heaven.  The result is heaven-on-earth.


  1.  Faith sees no limits, because God has no limits.  Faith is based solely on God’s limitless power, it takes no consideration for the limits of humanity.


  1.  Faith peers into God’s realm (heaven) and dimension (eternity), from our realm (the earth) and dimension (time), and then comes back to operate based on what was seen and heard.


Closing Confession:  Father, I am excited about 2017!  I know You are looking for faith in the earth.  I declare that You can find it IN me.  You gave me the faith of Jesus.  You have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.  And I believe those blessings will manifest in my life, in the earth, this year.  I live by faith every day.  I live by whatever You say and however You lead.  You have NO LIMITS.  Therefore, when You direct me to do something, I endeavor to do it by Your power, because of Your goodness, based on Your strength.  I take no consideration for my limits.  I keep my eyes fixed and focused on Your LIMITLESS power.  I am open to experience whatever You want me to experience this year.  And as You lead me Father, I believe this year shall be the BEST year of my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and prosper!

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