Blind Bartimaeus

by Rick

Read Mark 10:46-52


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  In Mark 10 we find Jesus in Jericho.  A large crowd followed Him as he prepared to leave the city.  Once again, He would encounter someone along the way who would release faith for a breakthrough.  


As Jesus and His team left the city a blind man named Bartimaeus (which means, son of Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside.  His condition (being blind) made it hard for him to make a living, so he resigned to living his life as a beggar.  His dark world was made even darker by his lowly status in society.  In Jesus’ day there were no special programs for the impaired.  He was blind, he was a beggar, and he was basically dismissed by society.  So Bartimaeus took a lowly post, outside of the city, where he could beg for change; appealing to whatever pity people would have on him.  His inability to see meant that his other senses were heightened.  Most blind people can hear very well.  So Bartimaeus listened carefully as people passed by.  On this particular day he would hear something that would change his life forever.


The Bible says that Blind Bartimaeus heard that “Jesus of Nazareth” was passing by.  Now, if you remember, I have pointed out many times that those who honored Jesus called Him, “Jesus, the Son of David”, while those who dishonored Him called Him, “Jesus of Nazareth”.  No one in scripture who addressed Jesus as “Jesus of Nazareth” received a breakthrough.  So Bartimaeus, in his blind condition, heard that “Jesus of Nazareth” was passing by, but somehow, he perceived something in his spirit, that positioned him to receive his breakthrough.  Blind Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  What he heard was based in dishonor, what he said came from a position of honor!  This had to be God.  The Holy Spirit was prompting Bartimaeus to say what he said.


As Blind Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!“, many in the crowd told him to be quiet.  They basically told him to “Shut up!”  But this caused Bartimaeus to shout even louder!  As he shouted, he finally got the attention of Jesus.  Jesus stopped and said, “Call him“.  So they approached Bartimaeus and said, “Cheer up!  On your feet!  He’s calling you.”  I am sure that all sorts of energy, anticipation, adrenaline, and excitement were running through his body.  The King of Glory had just called for him.  He jumped to his feet and prepared to approach Jesus, but he did something before he went.  The Bible says that he threw his cloak aside.  This is a critical tidbit in the story.  The cloak Bartimaeus was wearing was commonly associated with beggars.  This coat helped people properly identify him as someone who needed financial support.  When Bartimaeus got up, he already knew in his heart that he would never need that cloak again.  He left it behind as he was taken to Jesus.  He did this in faith.  When he got to Jesus, our Lord asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”  This is the question we all want to hear from God.  Bartimaeus answered with his only true desire.  He said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”  Jesus replied, “ Go! You are healed because you had faith.”  Immediately Bartimaeus was able to see!  


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  God draws people to Him by His Spirit.

a)  The Bible tells us that no one cal actually call Jesus “Lord” without the Holy Spirit prompting them to do so (1 Cor 12:3).

b)  It took divine revelation for Blind Bartimaeus to hear “Jesus of Nazareth”, but to say, “Jesus, son of David”.  The Holy Spirit told him what to say and his heart was open enough to hear and obey.

c)  God is drawing people to Him daily, through His Son, by His Spirit.  Some are open and obedient, others are closed and disobedient.

d)  When people reject the Gospel they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting God.


2.  God desires for you to be whole – spiritually, physically, psychologically and socially.  

a)  Bartimaeus could walk, talk, touch, taste, smell, and hear; but he could not see and he was a social outcast.  Jesus changed that for him and He will do the same for you.

b)  It was not okay to Jesus for Bartimaeus to live beneath God’s best for his life.  Jesus wanted Bartimaeus to be whole in every way and He has the same desire for you!


3.  Your breakthrough requires your petition of faith.

a)  Jesus heard Bartimaeus’ cry and that is exactly my point.  Jesus would not have heard it if Bartimaeus did not say it!  Bartimaeus cried out and Jesus responded.  Bartimaeus released faith and Jesus released power!

b)  You must make your request known to God (Phil 4:6).  You have not because you ask not (James 4:2).

c)  What are you complaining about that you should be praying about?

d)  Don’t speak words of frustration.  Speak words of faith!



4.  Be ready when God is ready.  

a)  Bartimaeus was ready when Jesus responded.  He cast off his beggar’s garment because he knew he would never need it again.

b)  When God calls you out of your situation, will you be ready?


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  This is my season.  This is my time.  You speak to me by Your Spirit, You reveal things to me concerning this season, and I am open and obedient to Your revelation.  As You speak, I say.  As You lead, I go.  When you are ready, I am ready.  You want me whole, and I want all you want for me.  So I declare that I am healed, healthy, blessed and prosperous in every area of my life.  My heart is quick to receive, my lips are quick to declare, and my legs are quick to go!  Living this way, 2017 shall be the BEST YEAR of my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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