Establishing Altars

by Rick

Read Mark 8:1-21


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  For the past couple of days we have been looking at a passage in Mark 8.  Jesus fed 4,000 people supernaturally with seven loaves of bread.  Afterwards He had a run-in with the Pharisees.  After that encounter, Jesus directed His team to get into a boat.  They were headed to the other side of the lake.


Once in the boat, the disciples realized that they only brought one loaf of bread.  This caused an argument about who was supposed to bring the food.  After having a brief discussion with them about the Pharisees, Jesus said, “Why are you talking about having no bread?  Do you still not see?  Are you not able to understand?  Do you have eyes that can’t see?  Do you have ears that can’t hear?  Remember what I did before, when we did not have enough bread?  I divided five loaves of bread for 5000 people.  How many baskets of food were left over?”  The disciples answered, “12 full baskets.”  Jesus continued, “And when I divided seven loaves of bread for 4000 people, how many baskets did you fill with the leftover pieces?”  They answered, “Seven full baskets.”  Then Jesus said to them, “You remember these things I did, but you still don’t understand?


Today I purposely left out the discussion about the Pharisees in the text, because I want to discuss the importance of establishing altars in your life.  These don’t have to be physical altars.  But physical or not, it is absolutely critical to remember the things God has done for you.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Establish some altars in your life.  

a)  In Biblical times an altar was a place of worship and sacrifice, but it was also a physical place of remembrance.  Followers of God established altars to remind themselves, and future generations, of what God had done.

b)  If you read the Old Testament, you will see the many times the Israelites established altars that served as memorials of God’s goodness, both for them and for the generations that followed.  We all face challenging times.  When difficulties come, it is good to be able to go back to a point in our lives where God manifested His goodness.  The reminder of what God did in the past helps operate in faith for the future.

c)  When you can go back and remember WHAT GOD DID in the past, it will help keep you focused on what you believe He IS DOING in the present.

d)  Jesus wanted His disciples to remember what He did with two fish and five loaves — feeding the 5,000.  Jesus wanted His disciples to remember what He did with seven loaves — feeding the 4,000.  Jesus’ point was that if they truly remembered what God did, they should have not been concerned about what God was going to do when they only had one loaf of bread for 13 people.  When you can point to the times in your life when God manifested His glory, you should be able to face present-day challenges with fearless confidence.


2.  Altars help you endure as you walk out your divine purpose with God in the earth.

a)  An altar is a place of worship.  It’s a place where you can go to commit and recommit yourself to God.  It’s a place you can go back to, to show God you appreciate what he did, and that you don’t take His blessings lightly.  You go back to thank Him for His goodness.

b)  An altar is a venue for evangelism.  When you have something you can go back to, that highlights the goodness of God in your life, it becomes a place that you can bring up to help brag on God.  You can unapologetically tell others of the goodness of God.

c)  An altar is a tool for legacy.  In the Old Testament the older generation would bring the younger generation to an altar, to tell the story of what God did, in order to help pass on the goodness of God to the next generation.  Your children need to know the true source of your strength.  Your children can learn a great deal from the challenges you faced and how God saw you through them.

d)  An altar serves as a source of divine encouragement.  There will be days when you don’t “feel” like a Christian, when you don’t “feel” like living by faith, and when you don’t “feel” like going on.  While you are called to live by faith and not by feelings, you are still human and there will be times when you need to overcome your feelings.  Altars help with that.  If you can go back and TRACE the goodness of God in your life — saying, “I remember this…” and, “I remember that…” — then you will be encouraged to move forward.  You can encourage yourself in the Lord when you are able to look back and see God’s goodness all over your past.  


In closing, God is the God of your past, present, and future.  He is the God of the already, the God of the right now, and the God of the not yet.  The God of your previous victories will also be the God of your future successes!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  2017 shall be the best year of my life, because I am determined to make the most of it, IN YOU!  I look back over all You have done and it serves as a source of encouragement for me.  I don’t forget Your goodness, but I also don’t allow past victories to keep me from future successes.  I don’t look back to get stuck there.  I look back in order to look forward.  You have done too much in my life for me to ever quit.  So forward ever, backward never!  The best is yet to come in my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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