Thanksgiving Message (2017)

by Rick

This week is Thanksgiving week.  Tomorrow morning I will be traveling.  I will not be able to send out Today’s Word and the next morning will be Thanksgiving.  So this message will be the last message of the week.  I will attempt to combine the theme of “giving thanks” with our current series.  Let’s get into it.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  All year I have been leading you in declarations of faith, declaring that this year is a “Year of Great Victory” for us.  It has been a year of great victory for the Piña family household, and I pray you can say the same.  But don’t mistake my statement to mean that we did not face any challenges.  Actually, if you don’t face anything, you don’t have anything to obtain a VICTORY over.  If it’s true that God has made you an overcomer (and it is), then it is also true that you will face things you must ‘come over’.  The key is in keeping the right attitude as you face what you must face on the road to your destiny.


2.  This year you should have learned who you are in Christ Jesus.  The continual revelation of who Jesus is, provides you a continual revelation of who you are.  When you discover Jesus, you discover yourself.  You get to the point where you can look at yourself in the mirror and see Jesus.  As that point — when you see yourself “As Jesus is, in this world” — you are ready to get to DOING, because you know who you are.  And this is where the real opposition comes.  The devil is not concerned with you knowing who you are.  He is concerned with you DOING something about it!  When you start DOING what you are called to do, that’s when the opposition comes and that’s when you must keep your eyes on Jesus.  The one who sent you out to DO it, is the one who will keep you while you do!


3.  Discovering who you are must lead to a life of doing what you were born to do.  Your BEING precedes your DOING.  But once you start doing, the attacks will come.  Once you start walking in your divine purpose, people who were comfortable with you when you were not doing anything, will start talking about you, because of their own insecurities.  Once you start stepping out into your purpose, people will go behind your back and ask, “Who does he think he is?”  The answer is: a child if God who knows who they are.  They key is NOT allowing anything anyone says to stop you. Their poison cannot stop your purpose.


4.  The life of faith is not a life without opposition.  Once you start walking in your divine purpose, you may face the hardest opposition of your life.  But the good news is that you will not face it alone.  God is with you and He wants you to keep the proper attitude as you pursue your purpose.  Maintain an attitude of Thanksgiving at all times, in all seasons.


5.  The Apostle Paul said, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes 5:16-18).

a)  You may not be able to thank God FOR all circumstances, because many circumstances are not pleasant.  But you can still thank God IN THEM!  In the middle of a bad situation, you can still give God praise!

b)  When you open up your mouth and give God the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, in the middle of a bad situation, you are showing both God and satan that you will not be moved by circumstances.  And you are training your soul to look past the problems, long enough to see the promises of God!  Once you believe the promise over the problem, it’s only a matter of time before the problem passes.  Problems come and problems go, but God remains the same.  So He is worthy to be praised IN all things and AT all times!

c)  Never allow a bad situation to rob you of your praise!  And while you are waiting on God for the breakthrough, remember this: HOW you wait can and will impact HOW LONG you wait!

d)  You were created to give God praise!  Give your life to God as an offering.  Honor Him with your actions, praise Him with your lips, and RE-present Him well everywhere you go!  Live every day with an attitude of THANKSGIVING!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  This does not mean I will not face challenges. It just means I will come out on top!  Because You are always with me.  Your presence gives me access to Your peace and Your power.  Therefore I enter every day determined to give You praise!  I honor You with my actions.  I praise You with my lips!  I RE-present You everywhere I go.  I live every day with an attitude of THANKSGIVING!  If I can’t thank You FOR it, I will still thank You IN IT!  No devil, demon or bad situation will steal my praise!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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