God’s Word Gives Life

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 5: God’s Word Gives Life.  We are going to close out the week by looking at something David said in the Old Testament and something Jesus said in the New Testament.  Both statements are connected to the LIFE we can receive from the Word of God.  I am providing you each scripture from two translations.  Here they are:


(Psalm 119:50 NJKV)

This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life.


(Psalm 119:50 NASB)

This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me.


(John 6:63 NIV)

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you–they are full of the Spirit and life.


(John 6:63 ERV)

It is the Spirit that gives life. The body is of no value for that. But the things I have told you are from the Spirit, so they give life.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  David endured many challenges in this world.  Some were self-inflicted, others came as attacks on his divine assignment.  Either way, he had to overcome many challenges to become the man he was called to be.  Looking back, David said that when he was afflicted, when he was challenged, when he was at his low points ready to give up, it was God’s words to him that kept him going.  It was the Word of God that gave him LIFE.  When he was down, he meditated on the Word of God and God’s Word literally REVIVED him!  Guess what?  The Word of God still has that same power today!n  If you are down this morning, meditate God’s Word.  The Word of God will LIFT YOU UP!


  1.  Jesus lived as an example of what it looks like for a human to be completed submitted to the divine.  As a foreshadow of what it would look like to be Born-Again, Jesus lived as a human with God living on the inside of Him.  So He often made comparisons between the flesh and the spirit.  In John 6, while making one of those comparisons, Jesus made it clear that our flesh (or body, or the part of us that is natural to this world), is of no value in the spirit realm.  He then made it clear that the words He was speaking were words that did not find their origin in this world.  These words were birthed in the heart of God.  These words originated in heaven.  These were were full of God’s spirit.  Therefore, these words GAVE LIFE to all those who received them.  What was true back then, is still true today.  Every Word that has come from God is full of SPIRIT and LIFE.  When when you receive God’s Word in your heart and you apply it to your life, it changes you from the inside-out.  You are then empowered to live supernaturally!  


  1. We all face challenges on the road to our destiny.  No one is exempt.  But if you ever get down, like David got down, do what David did.  Meditate and medicate on God’s Word.  God’s Word will give you LIFE.  When you feel low, God’s Word will REVIVE you!  There is power in the Word of God.


  1.  Jesus told us that God’s Word is full of God’s Spirit and as a result, the Word of God literally gives LIFE to all those to receive it.  This is why God wants us to meditate and medicate on His Word day and night.  If we nurse and rehearse God’s Word all the time, we are literally being equipped, empowered and emboldened throughout the day.  The Word of God gives LIFE!  These words are not like any other words.  This book (the Bible) is not like any other book.  When you meditate these words, when you fully embrace the teachings of this book, you position yourself to have a constant supply of what you need to grow, develop and deploy into your assignment.  Not only will you BECOME the man/women God called you to be, but you will ENJOY the process.  You will make it heaven and you will enjoy the ride.  Why?  Because you are meditating God’s Word and God’s Word is giving you LIFE every day.  This is the way we are supposed to live.        


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  My expectation is tied to Your Word.  Your Words are full of Spirit and life.  When I am down, Your Word lifts me up.  When I am depleted, Your Word revives me.  I meditate and medicate on Your Word day and night.  As a result, I have a constant supply of what I need to grow, develop and deploy into my assignment.  Your Word gives instructs me, inspires me, and emboldens me to live the life I was born to live.  I live by every Word that proceeds from out of Your mouth!  Living this way, I receive LIFE from Your Word daily!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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