Preach To Yourself!

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled, “Back to the Bible,” with Part 16.  We have been looking at Psalm 119.  Today we will look at verses 13-16 from The Passion Bible Translation (TPT).  


David said:

(v.13)  I speak continually of your laws as I recite out loud your counsel to me.

(v.14)  I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world.

(v.15)  I set my heart on your precepts and pay close attention to all your ways.

(v.16)  My delight is found in all your laws, and I won’t forget to walk in your words.

(Psalm 119:9-12 The Passion Translation)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Preach to yourself if you have to.  David said, “I speak continually of your laws as I recite out loud your counsel to me.” (Psalm 119:13 TPT)

a)  David knew what it was like to encourage himself in the Lord.  One time, when their families were taken from them and their homes were burned to the ground, the men closest to David, the ones he had invested the most time in, turned on him.  They wanted to kill David. So there he was… David had no family, no friends, and no “stuff” in that moment. But what he still had was God. David encouraged himself in the Lord His God.  God told him what to do and he and his men got their families and all their “stuff” back from the enemy. If you ever feel like David felt in that moment, you must learn to encourage yourself in the Lord.  No matter who turns their back on you, God is still there!

b)  David would speak God’s words OUT LOUD, so he could hear them himself.  He preached to himself. He encouraged himself. There is power in reading or declaring God’s Word to yourself.  When you do, the Word of God is flowing from your own lips and it comes RIGHT BACK into your own ears and gets down in your heart!  If you have never done it, try it today. There is power in reading God’s Word ALOUD to yourself!

c)  I have been in situations where I had to remind MYSELF what God said.  I preached my own self happy! Learn to preach to yourself when you have to!  Encourage yourself! High-five yourself! Stir up the gift that is IN you!


2.  You will find something in God’s Word that you will not find in the pursuit of money.  David said, “I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world.” (Psalm 119:14 TPT)

a)  I know many people who make money their motivation.  There was a time in my life when I lived the same way.  God’s Word taught me that money makes an excellent servant and a poor master.  If you live your life in pursuit of money, you will never be happy. You won’t be happy when you don’t have money and it is even more depressing when you finally get it, only to realize that can’t make you happy.  David made it plan. He said that if you simply do what God tells you to do in His Word, you will find more joy than anything money could buy.

b)  God is not against you having money.  Money is actually required for you to do what He called you to do.  God is just against money having you. Money cannot be the pursuit of your heart.

c)  If you pursue God, instead of pursuing money, you will wake up one morning and discover that money is pursuing you (Mat 6:33).


3.  True Joy is discovered as you Walk In The Word!  David said, “I set my heart on your precepts and pay close attention to all your ways.  My delight is found in all your laws, and I won’t forget to walk in your words.” (Psalm 119:15,16 TPT)

a)  Make the Word of God the focus of your daily living.  When you set your heart on God’s precepts and you pay close attention to the counself found in His Word, you will live a life that far exceeds anything you ever imagined.  I am a witness!

b)  Don’t let a day go by that you do not give God’s Word your attention.  David said, “I won’t forget to walk in your words.”  God’s Word must be your standard every day.  If it is, you WILL become the man/woman God called you to be!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I read Your Word ALOUD to myself. I encourage myself in You.  I preach my own self happy! I remind myself of Your precepts every day.  I never allow a day to go by without meditating and medicating on Your Word.  Your Word is the standard for my life. I find more joy in Your Word, than all the money in the world could provide.  I don’t pursue money or things, I pursue You! As I do, You see to it that money and things pursue me! I have more than enough.  I don’t have any fear of running out. I give as I am led, and I have faith in running over, because You are my source! I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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