Reigniting Your Passion For The Word (Series End)

by Rick

Today I will close out our series entitled, “Back to the Bible.”  This is the 59th and final message in the series.  Over the past three months we walked through the longest chapter in the Bible.  I trust it has been a blessing to you. David wrote an amazing psalm dedicated to his love for God’s Word.  I pray that David’s passion for the Word of God has reignited yours.


As I close out the series, I will give you some final thoughts on this subject.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  The God who made you, who knows you better than you know yourself, and who also knows all things, wrote a book.  If I did not give you any other reason, that would be reason enough to read the Bible. Why would you not want to know what He said?


  1.  The Word of God contains the character, attributes and nature of God Himself.  The more you know the Word of God, the better you will know the God of the Word, and that’s the goal.  You don’t read the Word to know a book, you read the Word to know a person!


  1.  The Word of God is alive.  Jesus said that His words are spirit and life.  As you read the Word of God, and you then meditate and medicate on what you read, it will literally minister LIFE to you.  


  1.  The Word of God can minister peace to your mind, rest to your soul, and health/healing to your flesh.  So why wouldn’t you read it every day? People religiously take pills prescribed to them by a doctor, but they ignore the Words of LIFE prescribed to them by God Himself.  If you would medicate on the Word of God you will find that you need less medication from this world.


  1.  The Word of God will both inform and inspire you.  I will address the information aspect first. The more Word you have down in your heart, the more educated you will be concerning God and His ways.  If you apply what you learn, you will operate in a level of wisdom that exceeds your years and experience. You will know how to respond to situations in ways that are not common to this world and the wisdom you operate in will set you apart.  From an inspiration perspective, the Word of God will inspire you to keep going when all seems lost. When you are inspired by God you find strength you didn’t know you had, you develop perseverance beyond anything you have exhibited in the past, and you wind up doing all you do with a tenacity that cannot be quenched.  So if for no other reason, you should read the Word of God for divine information and inspiration.


  1.  The Word of God contains the answers to life’s questions.  But you will never find them if you do not open the book and read it.  Wouldn’t be a shame to struggle your way through a test while having the answer key in your bookbag, with the authorization to LOOK AT IT!  This is the picture of what happens when people have access to God’s Word, they even own multiple Bibles and access to it on their mobile devices, but they fail to open it up and read it.  Life is an open-book test. God gave you the answers before the test started. Use the answer key. Open your Bible and get God’s Word down in your heart.


  1.  I pray this series has helped reignite your passion for the Word of God.  Open up its pages and read it daily. Read it to be informed, apply it to be wise, believe it to be strong, declare it to be bold, and live it to be a world-changer!

Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to experience Your best this year. I expect to walk with You in a way that is greater than anything I have ever experienced before.  My expectation is not based in me, my performance, or anything that is human. My expectation is simply based on my relationship with You and what I believe You are saying to me.  I am filling my heart with Your Word daily. The better I know the Word of God, the better I know the God of the Word. I have a passion for Your Word. Therefore, I have a passion for You!  I read Your Word daily. I receive it, believe it, apply it, declare it and live it. I am going to change the world! Actually it won’t be me… it will be You Father, living in me, giving me the words and performing the work!  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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