Faith and Trust

by Rick

This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 21.  We have been looking at the life of Abraham for weeks.  For the last few days we have been looking at Genesis 22:6-8.  Today we will look at verses 9-12.


The Bible says:


When they came to the place where God told them to go, Abraham built an altar. He carefully laid the wood on the altar. Then he tied up his son Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood.  Then Abraham reached for his knife to kill his son. But the angel of the Lord stopped him. The angel called from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” Abraham answered, “Yes?” The angel said, “Don’t kill your son or hurt him in any way. Now I can see that you do respect and obey God. I see that you are ready to kill your son, your only son, for me.”

(Gen 22:9-12 ERV)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Living by faith is a journey of discovery.  

a)  Faith is not about you coming up with things and then asking God to bless what you came up with in your heart.  Everything God wants you to do and everything required to get it done is already prepared for you. God prepared it before you were born.  Therefore, faith cannot be birthed in your heart. Faith is birthed in the heart of God for you. Faith is not about you trying to get God to comply with your will.  Faith is about God trying to get you to DISCOVER His will.

b)  When you discover God’s will and you start walking in it, doing what God is leading you to do, you will find that God’s favor will go before you.  What you need will be provided. In this case Abraham needed Isaac’s cooperation. Abraham was 117 years old. Isaac was 17 years old. There is no way an 117 year old man is going to tie down a 17 year old young man without his consent.  The texts does not say that Abraham explained anything to Isaac. He simply started doing what God was leading him to do, and it is obvious that God was dealing with Isaac at the same time. The point is that when you launch out to do what you believe God already prepared for you, the people and resources you need to get it done will show up.  Don’t sit there idle, worrying about how it is going to get done. LAUNCH OUT in faith! Get started! Once you do, you will find that everything you need was already stored up for you and it was waiting on you to get started!

c)  You may think you are waiting on God while God is waiting on you to get started.  God will favor you with people and He will see to it that the resources are in place, but none of it will happen until you actually attempt to DO IT.  You must get started, in faith, before the manifestation will come.


2.  You must be willing to do what God tells you to do, even when you don’t fully understand what He is doing.

a)  Abraham did not truly understand what He was supposed to do on the mountain.  He had a revelation of he and the boy going UP the mountain and he and the boy coming back DOWN the mountain.  He was not sure what was going to happen in between, but he was willing to sacrifice his son, if that’s what it took.  He knew God was somehow going to bring the boy back to life. This is the kind of faith we must have. You must be willing to attempt what God is telling you to do, even when you don’t fully understand what is going to happen in the process.  If you had all the answers it would not require faith.

b)  Faith and trust go hand-in-hand.  Faith is what you do when you know what God promised.  Faith is about being sure of what God promised and certain that He will do what He said (Heb 11:1).  But as you go, there will be things that you are not sure or certain of. On those occasions you must trust God.  Trust Him even when you are not sure. Trust Him even when you can’t trace Him! Abraham trusted God, even when he was not sure how the situation on the mountain top was going to play out.  God saw His faith and He stopped him from killing his son. Abraham was ready to do it, and because he held nothing back, because he fully trusted God, God did not require him to do it. Like Abraham you are going to have to exhibit both faith and trust as you walk with God.  As God sees both from you, His will will manifest in your life!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I live in expectation of Your full manifestation in my life.  I am sure and certain that You will do ALL You promised to do in my life, before I die.  So I live by faith and I execute in accordance with that certainty. Along the way there will be times when I am neither sure nor certain.  On those occasions, I TRUST YOU Father! I trust You have my best interest at heart. I will trust You, even when I cannot trace You! Even when I do not know what You are doing!  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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