Sometimes You Cannot Confer With Man

by Rick

This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 20.  We have been looking at the life of Abraham for weeks.  Yesterday I introduced you to 22:6-8. Let’s go back to it today, but I will also add a passage from Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia.  I want to ‘pull the string’ on a thought I mentioned yesterday.


The Bible says:


Abraham took the wood for the sacrifice and put it on his son’s shoulder. Abraham took the special knife and fire. Then both he and his son went together to the place for worship.  Isaac said to his father Abraham, “Father!” Abraham answered, “Yes, son?” Isaac said, “I see the wood and the fire. But where is the lamb we will burn as a sacrifice?” Abraham answered, “God himself is providing the lamb for the sacrifice, my son.”

(Gen 22:6-8 ERV)


I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin.  I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.  For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.  I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being.

(Gal 1:11-16 NIV)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  You cannot explain spiritual things to unspiritual people.  

a)  Those without the Holy Spirit cannot comprehend the things of the Spirit.  The Bible says that spiritual things seem “foolish” to them (1 Cor 2:14). So don’t waste your time attempting to explain spiritual things to someone who does not have God’s Spirit.

b)  Many times you cannot attempt to explain the spiritual things God is leading you to do with other Born-Again Christians, because they did not hear what you heard from God.  Without the revelation you received, what you are doing seems crazy. So even good-intentioned people will attempt to talk you out of what God is leading you to do.

c)  When God told Abraham to kill his son, he could not talk to anyone about it.  No one would understand what God was doing. Abraham himself did not understand it, but he was doing it by faith.  If Abraham had conferred with humans they would have tried to talk him out of doing what God said.

d)  You have to do what God leads you to do, even when you can’t talk to anyone about it.  If you go to your friends and family, people that you love, they will try to talk you out of doing what God is leading you to do, because God often leads us to do things that seem crazy to the natural man.  It’s crazy to them, because they don’t know what God is up to. This is why you have to be very careful who you share things with. You will not be successful living by faith if you share everything with everyone.  


2.  You must do what God is leading you to do, even when you don’t have anyone to talk to about it.

a)  The Apostle Paul was formerly known as Saul of Tarsus.  When he was Saul, he was raised as a Pharisee. He was groomed by the religious elite to be part of the Jewish leadership.  He was so radical that the Pharisees were not passionate enough for him, so he joined the Zealots. He burned with zeal. Later he would acknowledge they he had zeal with no true knowledge.  As a Zealot he was willing to kill Christians. He was on his way to have Christians killed in Damascus when God called him to the ministry. God was basically calling the leader of the terrorists AGAINST the church to become a leader IN the church.  When this happened Paul could not confer with flesh and blood. He would not attempt to explain this to anyone. He just had to do what God was leading him to do, without the support of people who were not going to understand what God was telling him.  Abraham had to do the same. I have been there too. And if you walk with God long enough, you will experience this.

b)  God will lead you to do things that make no sense to the natural man.  When that happens you must simply choose not to confer with them. You must choose to be in-synch with God, even when it makes you look like you are out-of-synch with everyone else.  To live by faith you have to be okay with looking crazy from time to time. Because you are not living by this world’s standards. You are living by what God said and this world will often not understand it.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect You will do ALL You said You would do in my life.  I live by every Word You speak to me. I am quick to obey what You say, even when I can’t talk to anyone about it, and even when it does not make sense in this world.  You are spiritual, not sensual. To follow You I must walk by faith and not by sight and that is exactly what I do. I do what You say and I don’t require the validation of a man to approve what my God is telling me to do!  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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