Maximize Every Opportunity

by Rick

(1 Samuel 16:21 NLT)  So David went to Saul and began serving him. Saul loved David very much, and David became his armor bearer.


This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 35 of the series and Part 7 of the life of David.  David’s story is amazing.  I trust you are enjoying it thus far.  Let’s pick up where we left off.


After the shepherd boy was summoned to the palace he was told what would be expected of him.  The king was being tormented by an evil spirit and David’s job was to play the harp whenever the king needed peace.  Although David knew that Samuel, the same prophet who had anointed Saul to be king, had recently anointed him to be Saul’s successor, David never brought it up.  He simply did as he was told.  David was young, probably 17 years old, but he exhibited maturity beyond his years.  Whenever the tormenting spirit troubled Saul, David played the harp, the spirit would withdraw, and Saul would be at peace.  Saul sent word to Jesse asking for David to remain in the palace. The messenger from the king said to Jesse: “Please let David remain in my service, for I am very pleased with him.”  


Our text says that “Saul loved David very much.”  Saul loved him so much that he appointed David to be his armor-bearer.  In Scripture, an armor-bearer was a servant who carried additional weapons for commanders.  Abimelech (Judges 9:54), Saul (1 Samuel 16:12), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14:6-17), and Joab (2 Samuel 18:15) all had armor-bearers.  Armor-bearers were also responsible for killing enemies wounded by their masters. After enemy soldiers were wounded with javelins or arrows, armor-bearers finished the job with clubs or swords.  Since Saul never entered combat while David was his armor-bearer, David’s duties non-combat duties were more like an adjutant or assistant. This meant that David was around the king all the time.  He was exposed to the throne and the ins-and-outs of the monarchy.  This is very important because some day David would be king and he needed to know how to rule as a monarch.  David learned things in the presence of Saul that he would have never learned in the field with his sheep.  David could have been upset because he was not king yet, even though the prophet clearly anointed him to be king.  But David had to learn to make the most of the season he was in, so God could usher him into the next season.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


  1.  God is always at work in your life.  David was minding his own business when God sent a prophet to anoint him to be the next king of Israel.  David did not know it, but his time in the field, with his sheep, was actually a time of preparation for his life’s assignment.  When God promoted him in front of his family, David went back to tending sheep. He had no earthly idea how God would usher him into the palace.  Earlier in his life he had learned to play the harp. This seems like a random fact, until David was summoned by the king to play the harp. Since David did well as the king’s musician, David was promoted to armor-bearer.  This meant that David would be around the king all the time. He was learning how to be a king by being in the proximity of one. When you are around someone, what is on them can be transferred to you (Prov 13:20). Some things are taught, but many things are just caught, by being in the presence of great people.  While Saul was rejected by God, he did not many things David could learn, so God saw to it that he spent him with the man he was destined to replace. Notice that David did none of this on his own. This was all being done by God’s amazing grace. Guess what? What God did for David He is doing for you! God is always working, behind the scenes, setting you up for your destiny.  Your job is the make the most of the season you are in, so God can release you into the next.


  1.  Your gift (God’s grace on your life) will make room for you and bring you before great men (Prov 18:16).


  1.  The Lord will expose you to people today who will help develop you into the person He needs you to be tomorrow.  But in order to make the most of the opportunity, you must be willing to be faithful TODAY. Unfortunately, many believers get so fixated on the BIG THING they believe God called them to do, that they fail to honor the seemingly LITTLE THING they are charged with right now.  This is a big problem, because if you are not faithful over little, you cannot be trusted with much (Luke 16:10). David was faithful in the fields, when no one was looking by God, so he was ready to be promoted. Have you been faithful? Are you being faithful today? I know you have a BIG DREAM in your heart, but are you being faithful over where you are right now?  If you are not faithful over your TODAY, you will delay your TOMORROW!


  1.  God did not bring David into Saul’s company so Saul could learn from David.  God wanted David to learn from Saul. When God brings you before great men, don’t do all the talking.  Be observant and ready to receive all the Lord wants to deposit in you. He brought you into their company for a reason.  Make sure you maximize the moment.


  1.  There is no such thing as luck and nothing happens haphazardly.  Either spiritual forces (God or satan) are working behind the scene or you are reaping what you have sown.  Luck has nothing to do with it.


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  My expectation is great, because it is rooted and grounded in Your love for me.  You love me more than I love myself. You have opened doors for me that I could never open for myself.  You bring me before great men and women in order to prepare me for what You destined me for. I shall maximize these moments.  I will not do all the talking. I will be ready to observe and receive all You want to deposit in my life. Wisdom is transferred by association.  As You bless me to associate with great people, greatness will be deposited in me. I know You are preparing me today for my tomorrow and I declare that I will maximize this season of my life, so that I can be prepared for the next.  Every day Father, I get incrementally closer to Your desired destination for my life. Forward ever, backward never! The best is yet to come! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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