Maximize this Moment!

by Rick

Maximize this Moment!


(1 Samuel 17:51-53)


This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 48 of the series and Part 20 of the life of David.  


Yesterday we got to the point in the story when David killed Goliath.  This legendary story is rife with life application. The story does not end with Goliath’s last breath.  The only reason David was fighting Goliath in the first place was because none of Saul’s men, not even one, had the courage to face him.  The giant stood in front of the Israelite army for 40 long days and taunted Saul and his Soldiers twice a day. Many of these Soldiers had been through extremely hard battles and gruesome hand-to-hand combat, but none of them took the challenge.  But I don’t necessarily blame them. Let me explain why. There were spiritual forces working behind the scene that kept the Soldiers from stepping forward.  The giant stepped into the Valley of Elah 80 times, taunting Israel, and no one stepped in until David arrived on the scene.  Do you know why? I believe it was because this was David’s assignment.  This was David’s time. This was David’s designated moment.  This was his coming-out party. What God has for you is for you and no one can take it!  


David was the youngest of eight boys.  He was clearly somewhat of an outcast in his own home.  He spent most of his time with his father’s sheep. But after being validated by God in front of his father and brothers a few weeks prior to this, the Lord took it a step further and validated him on the national stage.  The entire national defense force watching was watching.  The Commander-in-Chief himself (king Saul) had a front-row seat to the Valley of Elah.  This was the setting and it was David’s time.


David stepped into the Valley and with the national spotlight squarely on him, he stepped into his calling.  After David was anointed by the prophet in front of his brothers he simply went back to work as a shepherd and continued his life as normal.  David knew something had happened spiritually, but naturally speaking, everything continued on the same until it was the proper time to for God to allow David to experience a SHIFT.  This was that time.  After David killed Goliath his life would never be the same.  As soon as the rock left his sling and Goliath’s face hit the ground, David’s life was changed forever.  I will talk tomorrow about how this moment snapped the Israeli Soldiers out of their stuper and how David inspired them to win a great battle against the Philistines that day.  For today I will simply focus on the fact that this was David’s divine moment.


So what does this mean to you today?  Two things:


1.  First the spiritual, then the natural.  

a)  God reveals things in the spirit well before they manifest in the natural.  Just know that no matter how long it takes, if God revealed it, it is only a matter of time before you see (in your hands) what God revealed (in your heart).  This series is about standing on a Word from God. To properly stand you must know that it will not come before it’s time. Just hold on, it’s coming. Like Habakkuk said, “The vision is for an appointed time… though it may tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come!” (Hab 2:3).

b)  The Lord already knows what is going to happen, because your present and your future are heaven’s past.  God often reveals a glimpse our future to us in our present, to help motivate us to endure until it comes to pass.  When God reveals it to you, just know that it will not happen before it’s time. When the fullness of time comes, you will be able to walk into the realm of what has been destined for you, and you will have the grace to handle it THEN.  You may not have the grace NOW. So if the Lord gives it to you before your time, it can wreck your life. David may have lost to Goliath if he tried to fight him before his time. When the timing was right and the grace of God was on him, David was able to step into his moment and step into his destiny.  May the same be said for you!


2.  The Lord has been preparing you all your life for this moment.  

a)  Know that today, November 7, 2018, is not a mistake.  All your life the Lord has been preparing you for today.  Whatever you face today — which may include something you have been facing for days or weeks — is something you are prepared and equipped to face.  In other words, you have the grace for it. If you could not handle it, you would not be facing it. The fact that you are facing it is evidence that the Lord trusts you with it.  So walk out into it with confidence, knowing that you have the grace to maximize this moment.

b)  This is your season.  This is your time. This is your turn.  The grace of God is on you to maximize this moment for His glory.

c)  When you sense a divine moment, you must fully embrace the grace of God in order to maximize it.  The challenge may be huge. Like David, everyone may be watching. The pressure may be high. But since God is ON you, IN you, WITH you and FOR you, there is no way you can lose.  Trust in God. Face your giant. Maximize your moment!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  My expectation of my present is based on what You have revealed to me in the past.  I live everyday with an anticipation of manifestation. This is why I declare today to be a designated moment for me.  This is my season. This is my time. This is my turn. Anything I face today and everything I have been facing for days are things You already knew I would have to handle.  You already prepared me for such a time as this! I will maximize my moment. I will make the most of this day, because I have been preparing for this day my entire life. I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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