Fellowship with The Father

by Rick

Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.”  In this series we will study how we can be ONE with God and also ONE with man.  Right now I am teaching on being ONE with God. Yesterday we looked at a few statements Jesus made in John 5.  Today we will do the same in John 6.

Jesus said, “The Father gives me my people.  Every one of them will come to me.  I will always accept them. I came down from heaven to do what the Father wants, not what I want.  I must not lose anyone He has given me. But I must raise them up on the last day. This is what the one who sent me wants me to do.  Everyone who sees the Son and believes in him has eternal life. I will raise them up on the last day. This is what my Father wants.” (John 6:38-40).

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  There was complete synergy between Jesus and The Father while Jesus was in the earth.  When you look at the way Jesus talked about the Father, you see that He was not on the earth to perform His own will.  He was here to do what the Father sent Him to do. In order to do it Jesus fellowshipped with the Father everyday. This is how He made sure He was doing the right things.  Guess what? We are supposed to live the same way.

2.  Jesus said, “I came down from heaven to do what the Father wants, not what I want.”  Jesus’ life was not about Him.  It was all about The Father. He was on this planet on a mission and He received His daily orders from headquarters.  Jesus heard from The Father every day and He only did as He was led to do. This is the way we are supposed to live.

3.  In John 6 Jesus was basically saying, “The Father sends people to me and I minister to them.  I will not lose anyone He gives me. The Father does His part by sending them to me and I do my part by saying and doing what the Father leads me to say and do with them.”  This is a picture of perfect fellowship with The Father.  This is a picture of how humanity and divinity are supposed to interoperate.  This is a picture of how we are supposed to live.

4.  Jesus’ life is a perfect picture of what it looks like to live in the earth on purpose.  Jesus was a human who came to this planet on purpose and He lived His life focused on completing His divine assignment.  He did so by fellowshipping with The Father everyday. As a human there are many things He did not know. But by fellowshipping with The Father, He received insight, wisdom, revelation, knowledge and understanding.  The Father told Him where to go and what to do and say when He got there. This picture of perfect fellowship is a picture painted for us to emulate. This is how we are supposed to live. Our goal is to live in perfect harmony with The Father; to have true and intimate fellowship with Him!  Once we have fellowship with Him, our fellowship with Him will lead us to have fellowship with others. When we get to that point — having fellowship with both God and man — we will leave a mark in this world that will not easily be erased.

5.  You are not on this planet by mistake.  You were sent here by God on purpose. Like Jesus, you are on a mission.  And like Jesus, the only way you will get it done is by having intimacy with The Father so you can know what to say, where to go and what to do when you get there.  This cannot all be learned from a book. The Bible teaches you about the character, attributes and nature of God. But the goal of reading what God said (back then), is so you can hear what He is saying to you today.  This happens in fellowship. I know we are all busy. I know we all have more task than time. I know there a million things on your calendar. But if you want to be effective and if you want to complete your divine assignment before you die, you are going to have to prioritize hearing from God.  Like any other relationship, you have to make time for God. Spend time with Him in prayer and fellowship. I promise you that whatever time you give Him will be well worth it in the end.

6.   The key to your success in the earth is spending time in fellowship with The Father in heaven.  If you receive your daily orders from headquarters (heaven), you will live an amazing life. Because it is the life you were born to live.   

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I thank You for wanting to spend time with me.  You sit on the circle of the earth. You have all power and all wisdom.  You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And with everything You have going on, You still want to spend time with me in fellowship.  So I will make time to spend time with You! I am on this planet on a mission. I am here to do what You sent me here to do. In order to do so I need to know what to do everyday.  I receive my orders from headquarters. I get daily downloads from heaven as I spend time with You in fellowship. I make You and our relationship a priority. And because I give you first place, You will ensure that everything else falls into place.  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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