The Power of Fellowship Part 8: Having a Real Relationship With God

by Rick

Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.”  In this series we will study how we can be ONE with God and ONE with man.  We are starting out by learning how to be ONE with God. With that as our aim, we have looked at statements Jesus made (about being ONE with the Father) in John 5, John 6, John 8, and John 12.  Yesterday we looked at John 14. Let’s go back to that same passage today.

The Bible says:

Philip spoke up, “Lord, show us the Father, and that will be all that we need!”  Jesus replied, “Philip, I’ve been with you all this time and you still don’t know who I am?  How could you ask me to show you the Father, for anyone who has looked at me has seen the Father.  

Don’t you believe that the Father is living in me and that I am living in the Father?  Even my words are not my own but come from my Father, for he lives in me and performs his miracles of power through me.  Believe that I live as one with my Father and that my Father lives as one with me—or at least, believe because of the mighty miracles I have done.

“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”  (see John  14:8-12 TPT)

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  Jesus had a real expectation for us to do what He did.  Think about that for a moment. Do you really see yourself doing what Jesus did on this planet?  I mean… really? If you don’t, then you are not living up to the expectations Jesus set for you.

2.  Unfortunately, many Christians see themselves disconnected from God.  They see God as some sort of being who rules the universe from heaven, who is to be worshipped and praised.  In one sense He is that. But He is also a loving, caring and sharing heavenly Father who lives INSIDE of us.  If you don’t understand this aspect of your relationship with God, you will never live the way Jesus lived and you will never do what Jesus did while He was in the earth.

3.  The world’s concept of God is so warped that people actually get ridiculed for saying that God speaks to them.  Just a few months ago, our Vice President talked about hearing from Jesus and he was mocked all over national television.  Even by people who claim to be Christians. This shows us that there is a gaping disconnect between the way people see God and what we see in the Bible.  We are supposed to walk with God as He walks with us. We are supposed to talk to Him and listen as He talks to us. We are supposed to hear from heaven on a daily basis.  We are supposed to be so close to God that when people come in contact with us, they are coming in contact with Him. If this is not your concept of God, then your concept must change!

4.  If you are Born-Again, God already lives inside of you.  He wants to be seen, heard and felt through you. It’s time for you to let Him out.  In order to do so, you have to develop your relationship with Him. This is done in fellowship.  Spend time with Him today and every day. Talk to Him in the morning and throughout the day. He is inside of you.  He wants to spend time with You. Will you let Him?

5.  Don’t make spending time with God a religious thing.  You don’t need a special place. You don’t need to use fancy words.  You don’t even need a bunch of time. You may not spend 10 full minutes in prayer, but you shouldn’t go 10 minutes in the day without praying.  Just talk to Him, all day, and you will discover that He will talk to you.

6.  The more you develop a real relationship with God, the closer you will get to the point where His power flows TO you and THROUGH you.  If you keep living this way long enough, once day you will wake up and realize that you are actually living like Jesus lived, in this world.  That’s the goal.

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I thank You for teaching me the importance of true and intimate fellowship with You.  I love You and I know You love me. I am IN You and I know You are IN me. No longer do I see You as some sort of celestial being that is disconnected from me.  While You are in heaven, You are also IN ME. You are my Father. You love me as Your child. You want to spend time with me. From now on, I declare that I will.  I enter into this day ready to walk with You, knowing that You are committed to walking with me. Together Father, you and me, we shall change the world! I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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