The Power of Fellowship Part 32: The Holy Spirit Reveals

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.”  We have been in this series for six weeks thus far and I want to make the transition from teaching about our fellowship with God, to teaching about our fellowship with man.  But there are a few things the Father still wants me to address. One of them is the role and importance of the Holy Spirit. This is what I will discuss today.

Many believers are familiar with 1 Corinthians 2:9.  The Apostle Paul was referencing the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 64:4) when he said, “But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.”  Many people quote this verse and they do so with the sense that God is so vast and His ways are so high above our ways, that we, as mere humans, could never know the things of God.  I have heard older believers say, “Baby, the ways of the Lord are past finding out.”  Their point is that there is a certain level of mystery to talking with God.  While I know that to be true, I also know that God gave us His Holy Spirit to help clarify many of the mysteries.  The Holy Spirit can reveal many of the things that have been concealed from us.

Those who quote 1 Corinthians 2:9 and stop there are only telling part of the story.  The Apostle Paul went on to say some things about the Holy Spirit that we must understand.  If you keep reading, past verse 9, this is what you will see:

But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit.  Yes, he has revealed to us his inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, who constantly explores all things.  After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit?  So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by his Spirit, the Spirit of God.  For we did not receive the spirit of this world system but the Spirit of God, so that we might come to understand and experience all that grace has lavished upon us.”

(1 Corinthians 2:10-12 The Passion Bible)

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.  The language the Apostle Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 2 gives us a clear picture of the role of the Holy Spirit.  

1.  The Holy Spirit “unveils the profound realities” of God.  Things that are beyond human wisdom and understanding are literally unveiled to us by the Holy Spirit.  Picture a veil. You cannot see behind it. The hidden mysteries of God are behind the veil. You lived a portion of your life without the Holy Spirit, so you could not see back there.  But now that you are filled with the Holy Spirit, He is able to reveal what was concealed. He pulls back the veil and the profound becomes clear. This enables you to walk in a level of wisdom that exceeds your age, education and experience.

2.  The Holy Spirit “reveals” to us God’s “innermost heart and deepest mysteries.”  The deep things of God.  The things God planned for you before the world began.  The wisdom that exceeds human ability. These things can be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.  He reveals to us what was previously concealed from us.

3.  The Holy Spirit shares God’s “hidden impulses” with us.  This is huge.  The picture Paul gives us is not just that the Holy Spirit knows the mind of God (which He does).  It’s not just that the Holy Spirit knows the way God thinks and actually WHAT He is thinking about everything.  But the Holy Spirit also knows the WHY behind the WHAT. He knows the hidden impulses of God. He knows what makes God “tick”.  He knows why God has chosen to do what He is doing. And Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit can actually reveal that to us. This should be motivation enough to spend time with Him.

4.  It is true that God’s ways are above our ways.  It is true that we, as mere humans, could never truly grasp the things of God.  It is true that the Holy Spirit, in Paul’s words, is the only one who knows “God’s thoughts and secrets.”  These things are “only fully understood by his Spirit.”  But guess what?  God gave us His Spirit!  So this changes everything.  God gave us His Spirit, Paul says, “so that we might come to understand and experience all that grace has lavished upon us.”  God wants us to know, understand and experience ALL that He has, already, by His grace, lavished upon us.  The only way we can know these things is through the Holy Spirit. This is why we must spend time with God in fellowship.

5.  If you are Born-Again, the Holy Spirit lives IN you.  He is no less God than God the Father and God the Son.  He knows everything. As you spend time with Him, He will start to reveal TO you what was previously concealed FROM you!

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I thank You for giving me Your Spirit.  You are Your Spirit are ONE! Your Spirit lives in me.  He now pulls back the veil. He unveils Your profound realities to me in ways I can understand and apply.  Your Spirit reveals to me Your innermost heart and deepest mysteries. Not only does the Holy Spirit tell me what You want to do.  But He reveals to me the WHY behind the WHAT. He tells me Your hidden impulses. I make time to spend time with Holy Spirit. As He reveals TO me what was previously concealed FROM me, I am able to know, understand and experience ALL that You have already given me by Your grace.  Living this way, with this revealed knowledge, I can’t help but experience heaven on earth! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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