Today I am back from one of the longest breaks I have ever taken from Today’s Word. The break was necessary. I truly needed it. I was not on vacation during the …
NOTE: Before I get started I need to let you know that this message is the last message you will receive for two weeks. I am going on a much needed vacation …
The Power of Fellowship Part 61: Perfection On Display Inside of the Imperfect
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” I woke up this morning meditating on something the Holy Spirit was sharing with me. This is one of the most important …
The Power of Fellowship Part 60: Sometimes It’s Painful
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” I trust you have learned a few things about the importance of fellowship thus far in this series. We still have a …
This morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” We have been looking at the following passage for a couple of weeks. Let’s close out the week with one last message …
The Power of Fellowship Part 58: The Stress of Perfection
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” In the video version of yesterday’s message I got emotional. I talked about the people who are out here, in this world, …
The Power of Fellowship Part 57: No Perfect People Allowed
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” We have been looking at 1 John 1:5-10 for a while. Every day I have presented it to you from the Easy …
The Power of Fellowship Part 56: Growing in Humility
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” Yesterday I provided you a summary of what I consider to be the progression of the life and ministry of the Apostle …
The Power of Fellowship Part 55: The Progression of the Apostle Paul
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” For a few days I have been teaching you from 1 John 1. I want to go back to this passage again …
This morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” Yesterday I introduced you to a passage in 1 John 1. Let’s go back to that passage today. (1 John 1:5-10 Easy …