(Mark 5:37-40 NIV) He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a …
CourageDeterminationFaithPurpose and Vision
Believing in spite of Logic, Reason, and Evidence to the Contrary
by Rickby Rick(Mark 5:26 NIV) Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – …
CourageDecisionsDeterminationDisciplineFaithGraceThe BlessingThinkingTrust
Never Stop Believing
by Rickby Rick(Mark 5:26 NIV) Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – …
(Mark 5:22,23 NLT) Then a leader of the local synagogue, whose name was Jairus, arrived. When he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet, pleading fervently with him. “My little daughter is …
(2 Kings 5:14 CEV) Naaman walked down to the Jordan; he waded out into the water and stooped down in it seven times, just as Elisha had told him. Right away, he …
ChangeCourageFaithGraceHealth/HealingPurpose and VisionTeachable
Getting past your ‘but’
by Rickby Rick(2 Kings 5:1 CEV) Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army. The Lord had helped him and his troops defeat their enemies, so the king of Syria respected Naaman very much. …
(Gen 35:18 MSG) With her last breath, for she was now dying, she named him Ben-oni (Son-of-My-Pain), but his father named him Ben-jamin (Son-of-Good-Fortune). This morning we continue our new series …
The Faith to Move Forward in Troubling Times
by Rickby Rick(Gen 35:2,3 CEV) Jacob said to his family and to everyone else who was traveling with him: Get rid of your foreign gods! Then make yourselves acceptable to worship God and put …
ChangeCourageDecisionsDestinyDeterminationDisciplineDreamsFaithThe Blessing
Before and After
by Rickby Rick(Gen 33:19,20 NLT) Jacob bought the plot of land where he camped from the family of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for 100 pieces of silver. And there he built an altar …
CourageDecisionsDeterminationFavorPurpose and Vision
Do ALL You Can Do… Trust God for the Rest!
by Rickby Rick(Gen 33:4 CEV) But Esau ran toward Jacob and hugged and kissed him. Then the two brothers started crying. This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL …