Winning the War Within (Part 6)

by Rick

Three major points I want to make this week:

  1. You have to be brain-washed
  2. You must change your environment
  3. You must change your input


1.  Accept the fact that you must be brain-washed

(Romans 12:2 NCV)  Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.

a.  You come to God with stinking thinking.

b.  If you don’t change the way you think you are going to be Carnal and not Spiritual.


2.  Changing your environment is critical

(Prov 13:20 NCV)  Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer.

a.  Both wisdom and foolishness are transferred by association.

b.  Don’t yourself into thinking that you can hang out with the wrong people and still become the right person.

c.  Your friends have a lot to do with who you become.

d.  Surround yourself with people of like-precious-faith.


3.  You must change your input

(Mat 15:11)  It is not what people put into their mouths that makes them unclean. It is what comes out of their mouths that makes them unclean.”

a.  Your Words expose the condition of your heart.

b.  Your heart only got that way by what you put in it.

c.  Your eyes and ears are the gates to your heart (your soul).

d.  If you don’t like your output, you must change your input!

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