Series Recap – Part 1

by Rick

(John 5:19 NLT)  So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself.  He does only what He sees the Father doing.  Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”


This morning we begin to bring the “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life” series to a close.  I will provide quick recaps this week and then move on from this teaching.  I trust this series has been a blessing to you.  I will begin the recap with re-emphasizing the fact that Jesus is our ultimate example.


Some points we learned in this series:

1.  Jesus was fully God, but He was also fully man.  One of the reasons He came as a man was so that we could emulate what we see in His life.


2.  As a man Jesus needed to pray for guidance.  If Jesus attempted to do things without hearing from the Father it would be no different than us when we get outside of His will.


3.  Jesus could not to ANYTHING on His own.  If Jesus saw a clear need to spend time in prayer, then how do you think you can ever succeed in life without it?  Jesus counted on the Father daily and so must you.  Receive your marching orders for today in prayer.


4.  Jesus spent time alone with the Father.  Praying with or around others is fine, Jesus did this too, but there is nothing like giving the Father your undivided attention.  Make time to give the Father quality time in prayer.


5.  Jesus prayed early in the morning.  If you are like me, then once your day starts rolling it’s hard to slow down.  Taking the time early in the morning to pray helps you keep your priorities in order and it will also help you properly order your day.


6.  Jesus did not assume that everything that happened would be God’s will.  Far too many believers accept everything as ‘the will of God’ without ever spending time with the Father to find out what His will actually is.  If you hear from the Father in prayer, you won’t ever question His will, because you will know it.


So what does this mean to you today?  It means prayer was the key to Jesus’ success.  Jesus always knew what to say and do, because He made the time to spend quality time alone with the Father in prayer.  You can experience like success if you commit to spending time with the Father and hearing from Him in prayer.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this revelation.  I am learning how much Jesus relied on His prayer life and it is humbling to me.  I realize I have been selling myself short by not cultivating and developing my prayer life fully.  That stops today!  I declare, by faith, that I will learn how to pray, I will develop in prayer, and I will pray daily.  I want to hear from You.  I know that without You I can do nothing.  Just like Jesus needed to hear from You, I need to hear from You; and I will, from now on, in prayer.  My ears are anointed to hear, my eyes are anointed to see, and my heart is anointed to understand all that You desire to share with me in prayer.  I am open to hear from You Father.  Speak Lord, Your child is listening.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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