Before and After

by Rick

(Gen 33:19,20 NLT)  Jacob bought the plot of land where he camped from the family of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for 100 pieces of silver.  And there he built an altar and named it El-Elohe-Israel.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by sharing a few more thoughts from the life of Jacob.  I trust you have learned from Jacob’s life.  When I read the Bible I don’t see stories, I see people.  I see people who, like me, were simply trying to please God.  They faced challenges, failures, victories, defeats, ups and downs, and highs and lows.  They were not super-human, but just people who wanted to do right.  Jacob was no different.


After settling the issue with his brother – thanks to the favor of God – Jacob continued his journey back to Canaan.  He was now determined to get to the place God instructed him to go and to setup his own life, with his own family, in his homeland.  After journeying through northern Syria Jacob arrived safely at Shechem in Canaan and set up camp outside the city.  The land where he camped was owned by the descendants of Hamor, the father of Shechem.  Jacob liked the land and he wanted to settle there.  He was no different than us.  In today’s terms he was “house-hunting;” or I guess we can say that he was “land-hunting.”  He liked the land so he put in an offer of 100 pieces of silver.  The owner of the property accepted and the deal was done.  Jacob now had land back in his home country and he set up his tents on it.  Guess what he first order of priority was?  He built an altar there to honor the God of Israel.  When you read “the God of Israel” it’s easy to forget that Jacob was talking about himself.  Remember, God changed his name to Israel.  The God of his forefathers (Abraham and Isaac) was now the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and his 12 sons would lead 12 tribes that would later be known by his new name (Israel).  The nation (Israel) and the people (Israelites) are still identified with this man, who faced challenges like everyone else, but he never gave up!


As people met Jacob/Israel on his new property in Canaan they would only know the “end product” he became.  This was his “after” stage, but they would not know his “before.”  They would look around and see his land, his wives and children, his servants, and his possessions, and say, “This man is a blessed man.  God has been good to him.”  And while that is true, they would have no clue about all the challenges he faced to get there.  It’s the same with us today.  You can meet a General in the Army and think, “That person has it so easy,” without knowing all he or she went through to get there.  You can see a basketball player on television and think, “They are so gifted,” without knowing the countless hours they spent in the gym practicing while they other kids were playing.  You can see a CEO getting out of a corporate jet and think, “Now, that’s a job I want,” without knowing what they had to invest to arrive at that level.  So never forget that none of us were born where we are today.  Our life (good or bad) has been a result of our decisions and actions.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Every successful person has had to invest in their own success.

2.  If you want what someone has you have to be willing to do what they have done.

3.  When you read about a Biblical or modern-day success story, don’t forget to read their “before” stage.  It’s what they did in their “before” stage that enabled them to arrive at their “after” stage.

4.  If you feel like you are in the “before” stage of your life, then carefully consider what you are doing.  Is your daily routine one that will lead you to the “after” stage you want?

5.  Life in Christ is not always going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it, if you don’t give up!


Closing Confession:  Father, I learn from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  I realize they were ordinary people through which You were able to do extraordinary things, because they refused to quit when they were faced with life’s challenges.  I imitate their faith, their belief, their dedication to worship, and their perseverance.  I reap the benefits of learning from those who have gone before me.  I, like them, dream big dreams and believe You will help me to bring them to pass.  No matter how long it takes and no matter how many challenges I face along the way, I refuse to give up, cave in, or quit!  What I am believing You for SHALL come to pass!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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