Even when you are not Sure or Certain

by Rick

(Mark 1:40-42 NIV)  A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”  Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!”  This series is about operating in faith, holding on for the long haul, and never giving up.  However, I am going to do something different this morning.  I am going to show you a situation where a man came to Jesus with a humanly impossible situation and without a delay or a display of exceptional faith, Jesus simply healed him.  I share this with you as a reminder that we serve a God who loves us so much that His love and His grace sometimes overwhelms us and overtakes us without a struggle on our part.  So while this might not be the focus of this series, I felt led to share this message with you this morning because someone needs to be reminding of how God can move you in your life, even when you don’t feel like a faith-warrior.  Faith is about being sure and certain.  This man was not sure or certain, but Jesus healed him any.  Praise God!


Leprosy is an infectious disease that attacks the skin and central nervous system.  People with leprosy often do not have the sensation of pain to identify cuts and bruises; hence they frequently injure themselves without knowing.  Leprosy also causes multiple legions on the skin that cause a terrible smell.  Lepers, for obvious reasons, were social outcasts.  They were considered unclean and since there was no cure, they were condemned to live the rest of their lives in leper colonies.  Beyond the obvious physical damage, the treatment of lepers could easily cause psychological harm.  They died a slow physical and psychological death.  It is easy to understand then why a man with leprosy came and bowed down to Jesus, his only glimmer of hope.  His statement connotes that he had already resolved within his heart that Jesus was bigger than his problem.  He did not ask Jesus if He could, but his inferiority complex wondered if he would.  The text then reveals a facet of Jesus that can bring us comfort this morning.  Mark says that Jesus was filled with compassion.  Jesus was not motivated to heal because He could, but rather because He felt the heart of this man.  I believe Jesus saw the man hurting more on the inside than the outside.  This is why He reached out His hand and touched him before He healed him.  Jesus did what no other human had done since this disease had befallen him.  Jesus gave the man what he so eagerly longed for – a human touch.  Jesus did the unthinkable and touched the untouchable.  Jesus loved him enough to meet him where He was, but He loved him too much to leave him there.  Jesus said, “I am willing, Be clean!”  This statement contains both His character and His power.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  You are never out of God’s reach.

2.  There is nothing too hard for God.

3.  Bow before God this morning and make your request known to Him.

4.  God will meet you where you are.

5.  God is moved with compassion.

6.  God loves you just as you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way.

7.  His authority says He can, His character says He will.

8.  Even when you are not sure or certain, His love and grace can overtake you and change your situation in an instant.


Closing Confession:  Father, I cast my cares and concerns upon You this morning.  You know what I secretly struggle with and I lay it at your feet.  I ask You to look beyond my outward appearance and to see my inner need.  Reach out to me this morning, even while I am in front of this computer, and touch me.  Cleanse me.  Wash me.  Make me whole.  Do for me what only You can do.  I thank You for it in advance and I will never cease to give You praise for Your goodness and Your grace.  Even when I am not totally sure or certain, You can still move in my life to bring about supernatural breakthrough, just because You love me.  The reality of Your love is what keeps me at Your feet and it motivates me to want to be pleasing in Your sight daily!  I enter this day with Your love in my head (thinking about it) and my heart (flowing in it).  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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