Grace is not Fair!

by Rick

(1 Samuel 18:5 NLT) Whatever Saul asked David to do, David did it successfully. So Saul made him a commander over the men of war, an appointment that was welcomed by the people and Saul’s officers alike.

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  In chapter 17 we saw how just after David cut Goliath’s head off king Saul reached over to the commander of his army, General Abner, (who was clearly not in command that day) and asked, “Abner, whose son is this young man?”  The General did not know and was charged to find out.  General Abner went out to meet David and ushered him back to the king.  As Abner brought David before Saul the head of the giant was still dangling from his fingers, and blood must have still been dripping from it’s neck, as they stood there.  Imagine the scene for a minute.  Abner is a battle-tested General who had no-doubt led his men in combat.  However, General Abner and every one of his men had been paralyzed in fear of the giant for 40 long days.  Next to the General was a kid who did not fear Goliath and who was standing there with the head to prove it.  This same kid, David, had instilled courage in the army of Israel that day and his actions led to a great military victory for the nation.  General Abner did not know it, but this kid would soon become his replacement.

Yesterday we learned that David was invited to live with king Saul and he established a covenant relationship with prince Jonathan.  Our text today tells us that whatever the king asked David to do, he was able to do it successfully.  This reminds me of Joseph.  Grace and favor were in operation in Joseph’s life and it is clear that they were also in operation in David’s life.  One day David was out in the field, tending sheep, going about his life as normal, knowing that God has something great for him, but not really knowing how it was going to happen.  And here we are in the story, just a few weeks later, and his life was completely different.  David had a special moment, where God approved him in front of his family, and after that moment he went back to the sheep, knowing that God was up to something.  A few weeks later he had another special moment, this time in front of the king and his entire army, and afterwards he was invited to live in the palace.  And after all of this, our text says that David was appointed as commander over the men of war.  Without any military experience, without ever serving a day in the ranks, without ever even wearing a suit of armor, David took command of Israel’s forces as a military General.  How in the world did that happen?  The answer is clear: GRACE!  This promotion was unearned, unexpected, unprecedented, and unfair.

So what does this mean to you today?  I only have one point this morning: Grace is NOT fair.  Phillip Yancey calls the mathematics of grace “scandalous.”  Grace is not about equity, fairness or justice.  Grace flies in the face of merit.  Grace goes against everything you have ever been taught about earning something.  The problem is that if you earn it, it is not grace.  Don’t mistake what I’m saying.  I am not saying that the Father wants you to be lazy, that He does not expect you to work hard, or pursue your purpose with passion and zeal.  But what I am saying is that God has things for you that He gives you by His unfailing grace.  The woman caught in adultery did not receive justice, she received grace.  She was clearly wrong, but Jesus did not condemn her.  The thief on the cross was not hanging there, at the point of death, because he was innocent.  No, he was a convicted criminal, but Jesus did not give him what he deserved, he gave the man grace.  It is unfair that a convicted criminal would receive the same eternal life for calling out to Jesus in the last seconds of his life, than a person receives if he/she dedicates decades to the service of the Lord.  But grace is not about fairness, grace is about God and HIs immeasurable love towards us.  David did not earn his way up the ranks.  It was not fair that he be placed in command of troops that had served in the army for decades, but the promotion came by grace and favor.  Why?  Because it was part of God’s plan for David’s life.  So don’t fight against God when He is giving you what He wants to give you by grace.  Don’t feel unworthy, as if you can’t take it because you don’t deserve it.  Believe me, if God only gave you what you deserved, your life would be miserable.  No, accept whatever He gives you by faith, knowing that it came to you by grace.  Not just any grace, but by the Grace of God!

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this teaching.  I acknowledge the fact that You have not always given me what I deserve and I am extremely thankful about it.  I did not deserve Your salvation.  You sent Your Son Jesus to die in our place, while we were yet sinners.  You then loved me unconditionally all my life, even when I wanted nothing to do with You.  I did not deserve the way You sent people to me, to tell me of Your goodness, kindness and mercy.  I did not deserve forgiveness of sin, nor the gift of eternal life, but You gave them to me when I accepted Your Son Jesus as Lord.  And since I have been walking with You, the laundry list of things You have blessed me with, that I did not deserve, it way too long to mention.  You are better to me than I could ever even be to myself.  You don’t give me justice, You don’t give me fairness, You give me grace, and for that I shall forever be thankful and I will never cease to glorify Your name!  So Father, as I enter this day and every day that follows, I am open to receive all You desire to give me by grace.  I know You will freely give me everything I need to fulfill my life’s purpose.  Not always because I deserve it, and not always because I earned it, but many times on grace and grace alone.  You grace is amazing.  Thank You Father for being so good to me.   In Jesus’ name.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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