The Grace for Divine Protection

by Rick

(Read 1 Samuel 18:6-9)

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  Last week we left off with David receiving an incredible promotion.  With just having one fight on his resume (killing Goliath), and without ever serving a day in the military, without ever leading troops, without ever attending training, and without ever even wearing a coat of armor, David, the teenager, was promoted to General – Commander of the men of war.  David’s life had changed immensely in just a short span of time.  He went from the lowest position in his home to the highest position in the military in just a matter of weeks.  Before, David was a “nobody” and now he was national hero who was invited to live in the palace with the king.  How did this happen?  The answer is simple: it was the grace of God.

As the victorious Israelite army was returning home after David had killed Goliath, women from all the towns of Israel came out to meet king Saul and his army.  They sang and danced for joy with tambourines, cymbals, and flutes.  This was their song: “Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands!”  David did not ask these women to sing that song.  David did not have pride in his heart.  David was not looking for recognition.  David was not placing himself above Saul.  But Saul, when he heard the song, become very angry.  Saul said, “What is this?  They credit David with tens of thousands and me with only thousands. Next they’ll be making him their king!”  Saul had no idea how prophetic his words would prove to be.  Yes, David would be Saul’s successor, commanding the kingdom after Saul’s death, but it was not like David was attempting to take anything from Saul.  This was all God’s doing, but Saul did not know it.  The Bible says: “So from that day Saul kept a jealous eye on David.”

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  Don’t try too hard to make things happen.  David was not trying to make anything happen, and the Lord kept opening doors for him that no man could close.  Once the door was open, David stepped through it by faith.  You would do well to learn from David.  You can get out ahead of God — and mess things up in the process — by trying too hard to make things happen.  Remember, God operates in His timing.  So wait on God and then move by faith when HE opens the door.  If you move before His timing you will be operating without His grace.

2.  People will turn on you in a New York minute.  Saul was enamored with David, his national hero, and in a split second, because of something David had nothing to do with, Saul turned on him.  Some folk are fickle, phony, or flat-out fake, but thank God that He is faithful.  God will never turn on you, but some people will smile in your face and then stab you in the back.  I learned a long time ago that not everyone who is WITH you, is FOR you.  So keep your trust in God.  This is not to say that God does not bless us with true friends, but it is to say that true friends are hard to find, so when you do find them, cherish the relationships.

3.  Their poison can’t stop your purpose.  Saul was the king of Israel and we will learn later that he got to the point where he wanted David killed.  But even the king of Israel, the most powerful man in the land, could not kill God’s anointed.  Saul was a king, but David was being protected by the King of kings.  So, no matter what anyone attempts to do to you, and no matter what their natural position in the earth is, if God is for you, He is more than the entire world against You.  When you are operating in the grace of God upon your life you will experience divine protection that no enemy will be able to penetrate.

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this teaching.  I know You have great plans for my life.  I know You have destined me for greatness.  I know I am full of purpose and potential.  But I will not get out ahead of You.  I will not attempt to make things happen, unless You are leading me.  I will wait patiently until You open doors for me.  I will not move until You say, “Go.”  And when You do speak, and when I do move under Your direction, I know that Your grace will be on me to succeed.  Even if men come against me in envy and strife, You will always be there to shield and protect me.  Their poison can’t stop my purpose.  I keep my eyes fixed and focused on You.  You are my Lord.  You are my God.  You are my King, and I worship You.  You are the author and finisher, creator and sustainer, beginning and end, all and all in my life.  I look unto You and while my eyes are fixed on You, You see to it that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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Shelena January 25, 2013 - 11:27 am

Hey Rick for some reason I didn’t get January 22, 2013, The Grace for Divine Protection, can you please email it to me, thanks and God bless.

Rick February 1, 2013 - 12:32 pm

I sent you a link to update your profile.


Denisha May 19, 2016 - 4:12 pm

Daniel, what I find so ironic about the last week is the same people that tell us that Sharia will never be imposed in the US, are willing to sesipfm-ole Sharia in the form of limiting our speech when it pertains to Islam.The concept of creeping Sharia is lost upon these dolts.


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