Trouble Following Triumph

by Rick

(Read 1 Samuel 18:8-11)

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  Yesterday we learned that Saul allowed the green-eyed monster of jealousy to take a grip of his heart when he heard Israelite women sing about David’s exploits.  All David did was kill one man, but the people attributed more confirmed-kills to David than to Saul.  Saul could have laughed it off.  What did the ladies know anyway?  But Saul did not laugh it off and he allowed it to alter his opinion of David.  David had done nothing wrong to Saul, but Saul developed bitterness in his heart toward him.

The very next day a tormenting spirit overwhelmed Saul.  This was not new, for it had been happening since Saul disobeyed God.  In the past Saul would call for David, the harp player, and allow David’s anointed music to bring him peace.  However, now David the harp player was David the man of war and the people’s favorite, so things were not the same.  Saul did not want to call for David anymore and he attempted to deal with the tormenting spirit without David’s music.  Sure enough, it did not work.  Saul got to the point where he was raving in his house like a madman.  David came to play the harp, but Saul’s bitterness toward David made the harp playing ineffective.  King Saul had a spear in his hand and in his rage he hurled it at David, intending to pin him to the wall.  But David escaped the attack.

Let’s look at this from David’s perspective.  David went from obscurity to national hero overnight.  One day he was delivering lunch for his big brothers and the next day he was living in the palace.  And on his way to the palace spontaneous crowds erupted in his honor and his trip took on a parade-like atmosphere.  People David did not know were calling his name and making up songs in his honor.  The prophet came to town, spoke a few words, placed a few drops of oil on his head, and now, less than two months later, it seems like it was working.  Whatever the prophet did, it initiated a move of God in his life that would change it forever.  The only problem was Saul.  David had done nothing wrong to Saul, but now, all of a sudden, the king who used to love him and his harp playing, was attempting to kill him.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  Be secure in who God made you to be.  Saul was insecure and that insecurity led to envy, strife, and turmoil.

2.  Never let it get to your head.  David did not allow the sudden fame to usher him over into pride, and that is somewhat amazing when you think about the fact that he was only a teenager.  I believe it was because David knew God was doing it for him.  David was experiencing success by grace and that realization kept him humble.  When God graces you for success, never allow pride to get a grip of your heart.  Pride will stifle the flow of grace and you will quickly find yourself outside of the will of God.

3.  Trouble seems to follow triumph.  When God blesses you richly, don’t think the devil is just going to sit around and be happy about it.  No, satan will do everything he can to steal, kill, or destroy what God is doing in your life.  The good news is that he can’t.  When God’s grace is on your life the enemy can try all he wants, but his attempts will always fail.  So, keep your trust in God and don’t be surprised when the enemy raises his ugly head with trouble after a triumph.  If you remain humble and you keep your trust in God, the Father will bless you to trouble your trouble and not to be troubled by it.

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this teaching.  I know who I am, and more importantly, I know whose I am.  I rest in who You have made me to be and I will not allow jealousy to ever get a grip of my heart.  You may not have given me what You gave others, but You also did not give others what You gave me.  I walk in the grace You have placed on my life, and I rest in it.  I also never allow pride to get a hold of my heart.  I know I am NOT a self-made man/woman.  I am who I am by Your grace and I will never forget it.  The realization of Your grace on my life keeps me humble and dependent on You.  And lastly Father, I know that trouble may follow the many triumphs You have destined for me to experience, but I will not allow the trouble to trouble me.  I trouble my trouble by keeping my eyes stayed on You!  You keep me in perfect peace and You shield me from every attack.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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