We All Need a Barnabas

by Rick

(Read Acts 15:36-41)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing to learn more about the amazing life of the Apostle Paul.  Yesterday we left off with a delegation from Jerusalem (Judas and Silas) accompanying Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch of Syria.  The believers in Antioch and the surrounding region were thrilled that Paul and Barnabas came back with good news.  Instead of having to embrace the ritual of circumcision and the rules of the Law of Moses, the messengers from Jerusalem told the people that they should abstain from sexual immorality, from eating food offered to idols, and from consuming the blood of strangled animals.  Although the latter two seemed like carryovers from the Law, the people rejoiced and accepted their position in the Kingdom of God by Grace.


After some time Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are doing.”  Paul and Barnabas had such a great time on their first missionary journey — in spite of the attacks, stonings, and threats — that they were reading for round-two.  As the team prepared for the trip Barnabas prepared to take John Mark with them.  After all, John Mark was part of the first trip, but he unexpectedly left the team early into the trip.  Paul disagreed strongly with Barnabas.  He felt as though John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia.  Obviously, Barnabas did not feel so strongly and he wanted to support the young man.  Paul would have nothing of it.  Paul drew a line in the sand and made it clear to Barnabas that he either needed to pick him (Paul) or John Mark.  Barnabas made his choice and he opted to support the young man, leaving the Paul, his fellow Apostle behind.  With that, Barnabas took John Mark with him and the two sailed for Cyprus.  Paul in turn chose Silas (one of the men sent there from Jerusalem) and they traveled throughout Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches there.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  Sometimes emotions get in the way.  Paul was a passionate man.  His passion was evident when he was fighting against the church and that same passion served him well when he was leading the church.  However, in the incident with John Mark, Paul’s emotions clearly got the best of him.  Paul severed his partnership with Barnabas, a man who had done so much for him, just because he could not forgive John Mark for breaking away from their missionary journey before the planned time.  Learn from Paul, but this time learn what not to do.  Don’t allow an issue to get you so emotional that you make an irrational decision.


2.  God uses real people by Grace.  Paul was far from perfect.  He persecuted the church and he was clearly a hot-head at times, but God still used him to write half the New Testament and to make the greatest impact, outside of Jesus, in the first century church.  So, if God could do all of that through a person who was not necessarily perfect, then you have hope!  God can and will use you by Grace!


3.  Some people are anointed to encourage.  In Acts 4:36 Luke wrote, “Joseph, the one the apostles nicknamed Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”). He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus.”  Barnabas was a “Son of Encouragement.”  He was anointed to be an encourager.  Barnabas encouraged people everywhere he went.  Are you an encourager?  If so, allow God to use you to build people up every day.


4.  Without Barnabas there would be no Apostle Paul.  I have already highlighted in this series how instrumental Barnabas was to the ministry of Paul.  Barnabas stood up for Paul when he was first Born-Again and no one wanted to believe he was a Christian.  Barnabas personally took Paul to Jerusalem and introduced him to the Apostles.  And Barnabas traveled from Antioch (in Syria) all the way to Tarsus (in Turkey) to get Paul out of exile and invite him to join in ministry.


5.  We all need a Barnabas in our lives.  I can think of a few key people whom God has used to open doors for me, to encourage me when I needed it, and to mentor and develop me over the years.  Without those people I would not be who I am today.  Paul could not get started without Barnabas and you won’t be able to make it on your own either.  Embrace and appreciate the people God has ordained to be a blessing to you.  You are not a lone-ranger.  None of us is as smart or as strong as all of us.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercy towards me.  You love me more than I will never know.  You love me far beyond what I can comprehend.  Humanity grossly underestimates the magnitude of Your love for us.  But by faith I believe and receive Your love.  I know You will favor me with people.  By Grace You give me favor.  You raise up people to use their power, their ability and their influence to help me in ways I cannot help myself.  And You will lead them to do it by Grace and Grace alone.  I have not earned the favor You have given me with others and I shall never be able to earn it.  I simply receive it by faith.  You sent Barnabas to open doors for Paul and You have sent key people to do the same for me.  You have anointed people to encourage me when I was deflated, to pick me up when I was down, and to speak life into me when my outlook was bleak.  Thank You Father for all the encouragers You have sent my way.  I know I am not a self-made man/woman.  I am a God-made man/woman and the life I now live, I live for You and You alone!  And Father, help me to return the favor.  I am available to be used of You to encourage others.  I will not allow my emotions to keep me from fulfilling Your will.  I will embrace those You lead me to embrace.  I will speak life to those in seemingly dead situations.  I will build up those who are downtrodden.  I will encourage those who have lost their joy.  I will be a conduit of Your Grace and love everywhere I go.  Not because I am so good, but because You are so good.  Simply because of Your Grace!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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